
Memes and Articles

A collection of memes and articles is published below by category:

The Gospel: Now Is the Day of Salvation

Title Description File Latest
You're Only Young Once The 'wisdom' of the world for young people will lead them straight into hell. 20241103-You're Only Young Once.jpg 20241103
On Things Voluntary With the rise of digital enslavement, many things are said to be 'voluntary', but what are the costs of opting out? 20231202-On Things Voluntary.jpg 20231202
Whom Do Men Say That I Am Without doubt history bears record Jesus was a real person, but whom do you say he is? 20231104-Whom Do Men Say That I Am.jpg 20231104
Who Killed Jesus The surprising answer to what seems a simple question. 20230810-Who Killed Jesus.jpg 20230810
Seeing Is Believing The natural man foolishly only believes in what he can sense, which is the problem of having a hard heart of unbelief. 20230507-Seeing Is Believing.jpg 20230507
Heaven: No Guarantee The world mistakenly thinks everyone is guaranteed heaven as long as you do 'good' things and are nice. 20230101-Heaven_No Guarantee.jpg 20230101
Horrors of the Unsaved The tragedy of the unsaved man as he faces death is horrific. 20221231-Horrors of the Unsaved.jpg 20221231
Two Minutes to Eternity In 1902, the people of St Pierre trusted the 'experts' and all died in two minutes. Experts today likewise say there is no need to believe the gospel or worry about heaven and hell. 20221225-Two Minutes to Eternity.jpg 20221225


Bible Versions

Title Description File Latest
The First With No Equals An English scholar recognises the linguistically obvious; the Authorized Version is the greatest English book ever. 20250301-The First With No Equals.jpg 20250301
PBBs: Fundamentally Flawed Professor James Barr reveals what Pretend Bible Believers deny; textual variants and translations change fundamental doctrines. 20250209-PBBs_Fundamentally Flawed.jpg 20250209
Mountain Dill Astronomer Danny Faulkner draws on his vast knowledge to explain why "mountain" is missing in Luke 4.5. 20250113-Mountain Dill.jpg 20250113
NIV Biology Blackout The NIV claims to have found 'new' light and changes many creatures in the AV. Can they both be by the same Author? 20241221-NIV Biology Blackout.jpg 20241221
NIV: Sea of Weeds Modern Versions like the NIV are written by doubters; not even knowing what sea Israel crossed. 20241219-NIV_Sea of Weeds.jpg 20241219
Divine Attributes of MVs Wheareas the Bible teaches, and learned men reason, that God can't lie or be deceived, the Modern Versions teach he can! 20241130-Divine Attributes of MVs.jpg 20241130
MV's Fall From Grace A distinguished philologist shows the superior style of the Authorized Version against third-rate Modern Version competitors. 20241119-MV's Fall From Grace.jpg 20241119
When Blind Atheists See When it comes to Verbal Plenary Preservation, Christians are blind but Atheists have 20/20 vision. 20241116-When Blind Atheists See.jpg 20241116
One Pure English Bible? A common misguided attack against primacy of the Authorized Version is, 'what about all the other people on earth?'. 20241102-One Pure English Bible.jpg 20241102
AV: Old Classic for Today Secular experts class the Authorized Version as modern English, which agitates critics aiming to unseat it as 'outdated'. 20241102-AV_Old Classic for Today.jpg 20241102
Timeline of Confusion The 20thC was one of mass Modern Versions in the name of modernisation, which only led to mass confusion. 20241020-Timeline of Confusion.jpg 20241020
How We Got the Rubbish The orthodox history of the English Bible after the King James takes a sinister turn with the 'earliest' and 'most reliable' manuscripts. 20241020-How We Got the Rubbish.jpg 20241020
The Barking Mad Barkly Bible Society Australia makes a Genesis 'translation' into 'Barkly' English for approximately seven thousand people. 20241019-The Barking Mad Barkly.jpg 20241019
On the Vast Debt English Owes to the 'One Principal Good One' The best of English comes from the Authorized Version and its ancestors; the Modern Versions have made no contribution. 20241003-On the Vast Debt English Owes to the 'One Principal Good One'.jpg 20241003
MVs Break Words of Steel Modern Versions try to rule out 'steel' in the AV by falsely claiming it never existed at the time! 20240921-MVs Break Words of Steel.jpg 20240921
Frank on Translations A new Christian asks Dr Frank Turek a crucial question, what Bible should she use? 20240721-Frank on Translations.jpg 20240721
A Bible for Mother The Geneva Bible Society's Giancarlo Farina thinks the Italian NLT improves John 2.4 by making Jesus less 'disrespectful'. 20240629-A Bible for Mother.jpg 20240629
ESV Alchemy ESV alchemists perform transmutations in Jeremiah 15. 20240622-ESV Alchemy.jpg 20240622
Dan Wallace Destroys KJVO! Dr Daniel B. Wallace asks his ultimate 'gotcha' question to those who have all of God's words, and claims no one on earth has a right to say that. 20240610-Dan Wallace Destroys KJVO.jpg 20240610
Dan's World Textual critic Dr Daniel Wallace lays out his best case why the 'science' of Textual Criticism should be trusted, and fails. 20240610-Dan's World.jpg 20240610
Modern Version Wheels Fall Off Modern versions tell a different story in Exodus 14 how God dealt with proud Pharaoh's chariots. 20240606-Modern Version Wheels Fall Off.jpg 20240606
NIV: Daniel Dud The NIV (the 'very best in accuracy and reliabilty') makes a mess of Daniel 12.4's prophecy. 20240521-NIV_Daniel Dud.jpg 20240521
Rome: Condemned by Witnesses Rome denies its own witnesses regarding I John 5.7, as it reads in the AV's English today. 20240513-Rome_Condemned by Witnesses.jpg 20240513
NKJV: An Ass of a Bible Incredulous NKJV translators corrupt Judges 15.19. After all, how could water gush from an ass' jawbone? 20240408-NKJV_An Ass of a Bible.jpg 20240413
LSB: Legacy of Lies The Legacy Standard Bible continues the Lockman tradition of lying about it being in the same tradition as the Authorized Version. 20240310-LSB_Legacy of Lies.jpg 20240310
ESV's God Goes Mad Max Channelling some 'Ugaritic Light', ESV scholars turn the heavenly JAH into a desert-riding Mad Max character. 20240218-ESV's God Goes Mad Max.jpg 20240218
Original Convenience Original Autograph Onlyists assume an unassailable position behind impregnable walls of long-gone original manuscripts. 20240215-Original Convenience.jpg 20240215
The Original Delusion Historians, paleographers, textual critics, and councils all put their faith in a delusion: original documents. 20240126-The Original Delusion.jpg 20240126
Two-Tongued NIV NIV Executive Secretary Edwin Palmer fired both barrels at the Authorized Version, which blew up in his face. 20240120-Two-Tongued NIV.jpg 20240120
Dropping God's Words Australian governments want to axe the Lord's Prayer, but they are way behind the Modern Versions. 20240118-Dropping God's Words.jpg 20240118
Hometown Zeros Modern versions claim Jesus got honour in Galilee, just not in his hometown of Nazareth. 20240108-Hometown Zeros.jpg 20240108
ESV: Turning Pelicans Into Owls In Psalm 102.6, the ESV destroys the dual simile by changing a pelican into an owl. 20231124-ESV_Turning Pelicans Into Owls.jpg 20231124
No Perfect Translations The 'scholars' deny perfect translations exist, yet the Bible proves them wrong. 20231012-No Perfect Translations.jpg 20231012
The Gospel According to James Modern versionist James White has his own gospel and tells people what John did and didn't write. 20230921-The Gospel According to James.jpg 20230921
Tischendorf's Cut-and-Run 'Discoverer' of the so-called 'world's oldest bible', Constantine Tischendorf was most likely a common thief! 20230917-Tischendorf's Cut-and-Run.jpg 20230917
Bart & Co. on the New Testament New Testament critic Bart Ehrman and his ilk reveal their bias that God hasn't preserved His words. 20230916-Bart & Co. on the New Testament.jpg 20230916
Staple of Unorthodoxy C.S. Lewis claims Greek in N.T. times was “unliterary” and “basic”, and new believers should stay away from the Authorized Version. 20230813-Staple of Unorthodoxy.jpg 20230813
Changing the 'A' to an 'R' Dean John Burgon amazes at how inferior the pretended successor to the Authorized Version is. 20230812-Changing the 'A' To An 'R'.jpg 20230812
NIV Against Luther The NIV creates a new gospel of works in Habakkuk 2.4, flying in the face of Luther and the Reformation. 20230723-NIV Against Luther.jpg 20230723
Translation Mystery Solved! Modern Versionist Ken Ham gets it right on why modern versions translate dinosaurs incorrectly in the Bible. 20230704-Translation Mystery Solved.jpg 20230704
NASB Names Names The NASB creates confusion in Revelation 14.1 by adding in Jesus' name with the Father. 20230613-NASB Names Names.jpg 20230613
Doth God Care For All Meeting Places? The AV's psalmist Asaph bemoans the destruction of synagogues throughout the land, but the NKJV's adds in groves and high places. 20230610-Doth God Care For All Meeting Places.jpg 20230610
The Imitators Modern versions have no choice but to imitate the Authorized Version, and their language betrays them as such. 20230407-The Imitators.jpg 20230407
Marks of Meaning Punctuation in the AV can be critical to get the correct meaning of a verse, as in Luke 23.43. 20230312-Marks of Meaning.jpg 20230312
The Atheist Bible Believer An angry atheist with an axe to grind is more of a Bible Believer than most Christians! 20230214-The Atheist Bible Believer.jpg 20230214
The Orthodox Witness For some reason the custodians of the Received Text still have the Three Heavenly Witnesses, which the 'experts' say is impossible. 20230116-The Orthodox Witness.jpg 20230116
1611: Greatest of All The Authorized Verson of 1611 came at the pinnacle of Greek and Hebrew scholarly ability, and English literature. 20230105-1611_Greatest of All.jpg 20230105
Truth, Lies, & Textual Criticism Textual criticism claims to be a "science", but is nothing more than a strange philosophy in sheep's clothing. 20230103-Truth, Lies, & Textual Criticism.jpg 20230103
Source of Confusion Meet 'Q', the imaginary 'other' gospel textual critics believe exists inside of their minds. 20221221-Source of Confusion.jpg 20221221
The Original Faith Original Autographs Onlyist text critic Peter Gurry has discovered the 'longer' ending of Mark's gospel was not in his autograph, and is also able to read his mind from 2,000 years ago! 20221203-The Original Faith.jpg 20221203
The Art of the Corrector A double-minded Hebraicist praises and condemns the Authorized Version at the same time. 20220828-The Art of the Corrector.jpg 20220828
Lazarus of the Rings Rome's Jerusalem bibles claim Jesus made up the account of the rich man going to hell. 20220826-Lazarus of the Rings.jpg 20220826
Textual Criticism: A Broken Tooth A Christian finds out the hard way during a debate with a Muslim that trusting in Textual Criticism is a disaster. 20220815-Textual Criticism_A Broken Tooth.jpg 20220815
SCOTUS Authorized Tradition Regardless of the ungodliness of the Supreme Court of the United States, there is only one Bible they have chosen to honour by tradition. 20220812-SCOTUS Authorized Tradition.jpg 20220812
NIV: Friend of Islam Muslims understand better than most Christians what is at stake in the preservation of God's words, and find an ally in the NIV. 20220721-NIV_Friend of Islam.jpg 20220721
Anti-KJV Kool Aid Cult leader Jim Jones was in the same company as many King James Bible detractors; repeating arguments without studying first. 20220530-Anti-KJV Kool Aid.png 20220530
Thou Art True English encyclopedia authorities say the language can't do without its precise second-person pronouns. 20220529-Thou Art True.png 20220529
ESV Levels Down The ESV's 'hell' loses its levels. 20220518-ESV Levels Down.png 20220518
Suffering the ESV The ESV's Moses is not as disturbed over divorce as he should be. 20220512-Suffering the ESV.png 20220512
Sounding Holy A commenter on English Qur'ans reveals a truth about the 'archaic' Authorized Version's holiness. 20220428-Sounding Holy.png 20220428
NLT's Secular Army The Australian Defence Force gets a new bible with some bad intel. 20220423-NLT's Secular Army.png 20220423
Magadan or Bust The famous disciple Mary Magdalene is named after her hometown of Magdala in Matthew 15.39, but what should modern versions really call her? 20220406-Magadan or Bust.png 20220406
The Greeks on 'Pascha' 'Easter' in Acts 12.4 is perhaps the most common 'error' claimed in the AV, but how would the Greeks translate it? 20220403-The Greeks on 'Pascha'.jpg 20220403
NKJV's 'holy gods' The NKJV has the pagan queen of Babylon in Daniel 5.11 both knowing and not knowing the Holy Sprit. 20220318-NKJV's 'holy gods'.png 20220318
Modern Critic: Friend of Islam? Whether they realise it or not, modern textual critics are a great help to Muslims with their common charge that the Bible (AV) has extra verses. 20220308-Modern Critic_Friend of Islam.png 20220308
Scripture ABC Getting the basics right on "the scriptures". 20220220-Scripture ABC.png 20220220
The Evolution Connection The religion of evolution gets to the heart of the matter of final authority, that its primary conflict is not with creation per se, rather the King James Bible. 20211212-The Evolution Connection.png 20211212
It's A Crude World Corrupt modern versions of this ungodly age feign shock at the AV's use of crude words like "bastard", "piss", and "whore". 20211201-It's A Crude World.png 20211201
Ralph's Ramblings Ralph Woodrow has written three articles which in his mind refute 'King James Onlyism', but in reality are standard Bible corrector ramblings. 20211114-Ralph's Ramblings.png 20211114
ESV's Created God The ESV teaches Jesus is a created god in Proverbs 8.23, just like Jehovah's Witnesses believe. 20210905-ESV's Created Jesus.png 20210905
NKJV Weakens King David The NKJV's weak King David could only bend bronze, not break steel. 20210820-NKJV Weakens King David.png 20210820
It's All About the Words Modern versions try to deny God's preservation promise in Psalm 12.6-7 but can't find any other witnesses. 20210801-It's All About the Words.png 20210801
Carpenter's Confusion Across versions, the idolater in Isaiah 44.14 uses eight different trees. 20210715-Carpenter's Confusion.png 20210715
Decoy Division In Divided Nation, Ken Ham fails to address the bigger issue in today's culture: "where are God's words"? 20210710-Decoy Division.png 20210710
How We Got "The Originals" Building on a false premise that only the autographs are inspired, Chuck Missler ends up making some mind-bending claims. 20210617-How We Got 'The Originals'.png 20210617
ESV's Immoral Daughters? The ESV is unclear on the chastity of Philip the Evangelist's daughters. 20210614-ESV's Immoral Daughters.png 20210614
NASB Cripple's Crushing Load The 'modernised' NASB puts the healed cripple of Mark 2.10-11 under a heavy load. 20210614-NASB Cripple's Crushing Load.png 20210614
Peter Goeman: Musings of a Bible Agnostic Old Testament and Biblical Languages Professor Peter Goeman only believes in the autographs and claims the King James Bible has errors. 20210606-Peter Goeman_Musings of a Bible Agnostic.png 20210606
Ankerberg: Satan Isn't, Then Is, "Lucifer" John Ankerberg has it both ways, first claiming "Lucifer" has no basis in Isaiah 14.12, then saying it was Satan's name in heaven. 20210606-Ankerberg_Satan Isn't, Then Is, 'Lucifer'.png 20210606
ESV: Child of Pride The ESV puts pride in a good light in four verses contrary to its traditional evil meaning. 20210605-ESV, Child of Pride.png 20210605
OAO: Antichrist Approved! Antichrist Pope Pius XII says the original autographs are the standard of Biblical authority. 20210530-OAO, Antichrist Approved.png 20210530
NIV Law - Refreshing the Ungodly? The NIV in Psalm 19.7 tries to make the law do what it wasn't made for. 20210514-NIV Law, Refreshing the Ungodly.png 20210514
NKJV Hides Health Gems The NKJV obscures medicinal helps in the description of Shiloh in Genesis 49.12. 20210510-NKJV Hides Health Gems.png 20210510
Hard Questions Over Monkey Business The evolutionist defence attorney in the 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial asks some hard questions about "the Bible". 20210418-Hard Questions Over Monkey Business.jpeg 20210403
Ankerberg's Authorized Assault John Ankerberg of "The Ankerberg Show" presents a 6-part series of deceptive and false arguments against the Authorized Version. 20210403-Ankerberg's Authorized Assault.jpg 20210403
What Did the NKJV Paul Preach at Mars' Hill? The NKJV replaces the clear "Godhead" supporting the Trinity with "Divine Nature" while preaching to lost Greek philosophers in Acts 17.29. 20210331-What Did the NKJV Paul Preach at Mars' Hill.png 20210331
Dan's Mythical Myths Greek scholar and Bible agnostic Dan Wallace creates myths about Bible translation and the KJV. 20210321-Dan's Mythical Myths.png 20210321
NKJV & The Craft: Common Ground Like Wicca, the NKJV teaches a form of progressive salvation, perverting the true gospel. 20210214-NKJV & The Craft_Common Ground.png 20210214
Two Timothies Dr Timothy Paul Jones lies about the original manuscripts and the Authorized Version. 20210123-Two Timothies.png 20210123
Who's In The Fire? Modern versions replace the Holy One of Israel with a pagan god in Nebuchadnezzar's burning fiery furnace. 20210119-Who's In The Fire.png 20210119
Syrians or Edomites? Modern versions change military history in David's time based on a whim. 20210116-Syrians of Edomites.png 20210116
Is the NASB's god Known By All? The NASB teaches all know God in Romans 1.12 but not in Isaiah 12.5. 20210112-Is the NASB's god Known By All.png 20210112
NKJV Monkey Business The NKJV gets confused over Solomon's trade in exotic animals. 20201225-NKJV Monkey Business.png 20201225
Somewhere, Over the Rainbow The fool's errand that is modern textual criticism. 20201219-Somewhere, Over the Rainbow.png 20201219
The Critic, the Calumnies, and the AV C.S. Lewis, of Narnia fame, takes aim at the Authorized Version and misses. 20201214-The Critic, the Calumnies, and the AV.png 20201214
Does the Bible Trust Scholars? BJU Ph. D. Harold J. Sala tries to create confidence in the Bible but does the opposite. 20201120-Does the Bible Trust Scholars.png 20201120
NIV Righteousness Equals Prosperity The NIV goes out of its way to falsely guarantee prosperity for the righteous in Proverbs 21.21. 20201112-NIV Righteousness Equals Prosperity.png 20201112
NIV Leaves the Gate Open The NIV casts a doubt over God's decree in Ez 44.2 that the east gate of the temple will be permanently shut. 20201107-NIV Leaves the Gate Open'.png 20201107
Hendrickson 'Hiccups' Publishers Hendrickson Rose have published an uninspiring and false booklet on NT reliability. 20201022-Hendrickson 'Hiccups'.png 20201022
Buried Hand and Hidden Bosom The NKJV and other modern versions confuse a bowl with a bosom in Proverbs 26.15. 20200915-Buried Hand and Hidden Bosom.png 20200915
ESV, Friend of Islam A Muslim quotes the RSV/ESV's imaginary ancestors "Admin" and "Arni" of Jesus' genealogy in Luke 3 to prove an error in the Bible. 20200830-ESV, Friend of Islam.jpeg 20200830
Where Does the NKJV Stand? The NKJV obscures Jesus' prophesied return in Job 19.25. 20200822-Where Does the NKJV Stand.jpg 20200822
Does God Prepare the Heart? The Modern Versions all stand against the King James in Proverbs 16.1 on whether God or man controls the heart. 20200704-Does God Prepare the Heart.jpg 20200704
Hogwart's School of Textual Criticism Textual criticism professor J. K. Elliott advocates for multiple gods in John 1.18 against the 'inferior' AV rendition. 20200628-Hogwart's School of Textual Criticism.jpeg 20200628
Mark Ward - The Authorized Misuse of a Bible College Degree Bible corrector Mark Ward creates a corny video attempting to dethrone the Authorized Version. 20200621-Mark Ward - The Authorized Misuse of a Bible College Degree.pdf 20200621
Message's Masonic Madness The Message Bible's Masonic language on show in the Disciple's Prayer. 20200618-Message's Masonic Madness.png 20200618
Modern Versionists Admit - Our Bibles Aren't Inspired Modern Versionists from Creation Ministries International conclude they don't have all of God's words in the present day. 20200615-Modern Versionists Admit_Our Bibles Aren't Inspired.pdf 20200615
NASB Lowers Paul Threat The New American Standard Bible downplays Satan's concerns about Paul. 20200606-NASB Lowers Paul Threat.jpg 20200606
Bart's Bible Blunders Atheist Bart Ehrman's amateur attempt to discredit the Authorized Version. 20200524-Bart's Bible Blunders.pDF 20200524
NKJV Transfers Jesus' Power to Enemies The New King James Version takes prophetic power away from Jesus in Isaiah 53.9. 20200522-NKJV Transfers Jesus' Power to Enemies.jpg 20200522
ESV Lacks Heart The English Standard Version removes a scientific revelation about the heart in Proverbs 23.7. 20200516-ESV Lacks Heart.jpg 20200516
ESV Echoes Jewish Fable The English Standard Version alludes to the mythical Lilith in Genesis 2.23 according to a Jewish tradition. 20200510-ESV Echoes Jewish Fable.jpg 20200510
Modern Versions Avoid 'Stigmatizing' Language Modern Versions' unholy agreement with Planned Parenthood's murder mill. 20200508-Modern Versions Avoid 'Stigmatizing' Language.jpg 20200508
NASB Confuses Thessalonians The New American Standard encourages stumbling of new believers in I Thessalonians 1.6. 20200412-NASB Confuses Thessalonians.jpg 20200412
NASB 'Wind of God' Backfires The New American Standard Bible pits God against Himself in Isaiah 59.19. 20200410-NASB 'Wind of God' Backfires.jpg 20200410
ESV's Confusion of Disease Control The English Standard Version's error on leprosy pathology. 20200402-ESV's Confusion of Disease Control.jpg 20200402
ESV End-Times Error The English Standard Version creates a new group of resurrection saints in Revelation 19.14 and 20.4. 20200318-ESV End-Times Error.jpg 20200318
Unintended Modern-Version-Consequences 2019 U.S. Bible statistics show the alarming trend of cognitive dissonance held by adults today. 20200314-Unintended Modern-Version-Consequences.png 20200314
Do We Really Need Any[more] Modern Versions? 2019 U.S. Bible use statistics refute the raison d'etre of Modern Versions. 20200314-Do We Really Need Any[more] Modern Versions.png 20200314
Trivial Trees? Modern Versions get botanically confused in I Chronicles 14.14. 20200222-Trivial Trees.jpg 20200222
NKJV Transgender Tilt The New King James Version shows its LGTBQ+ leanings in Deuteronomy 19.15. 20200221-NKJV Transgender Tilt.jpg 20200221
Home Alone with the NRSVCE The New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition condemns its own solitary priestly Catholic doctrine in Proverbs 18.1. 20200219-Home Alone with the NRSVCE.jpg 20200219
Does God's Word Come First? The Modern Versions take down God's words from their number one position. 20200216-Does God's Word Come First.jpg 20200216
ESV's Aramaic Roots Movement The English Standard Version flip flops between Hebrew and Aramaic across the Old and New Testament. 20200208-ESV's Aramaic Roots Movement.jpg 20200208
ESV's Abram Builds Grove The English Standard Version has Abraham building a druidic oak altar in Genesis 12.6-7. 20200208-ESV's Abram Builds Grove.jpg 20200208
NIV Stifles Knowledge The New International Versions errs on the Daniel 12.4 prophecy. 20200205-NIV Stifles Knowledge.jpg 20200205
Art's Agape Adventure New King James Version translator Dr Arthur Farstad's Gospel of John Logos 21 Version 'goes to the Greek' in John 21.15-17. 20200201-Art's Agape Adventure.jpg 20200201
Fake Flowers Modern Versions mangle the plants of Song of Solomon 2.1 and Messianic reference. 20200125-Fake Flowers.jpg 20200125
Bitter Springs A poem about the corrupt Greek texts behind the Modern Versions. 20200108-Bitter Springs.jpg 20200108
NKJV Downplays David's Deeds The New King James Version baulks at King David's historical treatment of Ammonite POWs in II Samuel 12.31. 20200105-NKJV Downplays David's Deeds.jpg 20200105
ESV Deletes Darwin's Nemesis The English Standard Version removes the prime exhibit against evolution in Proverbs 39.13; the majestic male peacock. 20191228-ESV Deletes Darwin's Nemesis.jpg 20191228
Begging for a Telling The English Standard Version's aversion to "preaching" in Acts 13.42 and 19.13. 20191125-Begging for a Telling.jpg 20191125
Did Lucifer Play the Viol in Heaven Select Modern Versions change Lucifer's prime musical instrument in Isaiah 14.11. 20191124-Did Lucifer Play the Viol in Heaven.jpg 20191124
ESV Thinks to Change Time The English Standard Version changes Revelation 10.6-7 from it's ancestor version to obscure a prophecy. 20191111-ESV Thinks to Change Time.jpg 20191111
No Sound No Blessing The Modern Versions turn Revelation 1.3 into an incantation for blessing exchange. 20191026-No Sound No Blessing.jpg 20191026
Everbody's Famous! The English Standard Version makes everybody famous in Ecclesiastes 9.11. 20191010-Everbody's Famous.jpg 20191010
Modern Version Roadworks The Modern Versions inject modern road-building technology into Genesis 14.10's slimepits. 20191002-Modern Version Roadworks.jpg 20191002
NASB Eagles Build Tall Nests The New American Standard Bible confusion on eagle habits in Obadiah 1.4. 20190918-NASB Eagles Build Tall Nests.jpg 20190918
Will the NASB Ever 'See the Light'? The New American Standard Bible changes tenses on Isaiah 9.2, raising doubts over fulfilled prophecy. 20190905-Will the NASB Ever 'See the Light'.jpg 20190905
Does 'Palestine' Exist? The New American Standard Bible caves by removing 'Palestine' from its verse headings in Joshua 10.29 and 11.1. 20190829-Does 'Palestine' Exist.jpg 20190829
Is Tabitha Dorcas? A perfect translation of Dorcas's name in Greek from "Tabitha" in Hebrew in Acts 9.36. 20190806-Is Tabitha Dorcas.jpg 20190806
NET Neutrality The New English Translation's contradictory gender-neutral translation approach in Daniel 8.8 and 8.16. 20190803-NET Neutrality.jpg 20190803
Cry Me a Canal The New English Translation's 'advanced scholarship' and geographical error in Daniel 8.2. 20190803-Cry Me a Canal.jpg 20190803
Does it Really Matter? Popular bible teachers on the Bible version choice issue. 20190623-Does it Really Matter.jpeg 20190623
AV Trumps Genghis Khan The superiority of the Authorized Version's style even extends to translating famous historical works. 20190216-AV Trumps Genghis Khan.jpg 20190216
NET's Dodgy Pool The New English Translation messes up John 5.2-5; renaming the Pool of Bethesdsa and omitting verse four. 20190119-NET's Dodgy Pool.jpg 20190119
ESV-'Promises, Promises' The English Standard Version downgrades God's iron-clad promises in Psalm 119.140. 20190115-ESV-'Promises, Promises'.jpg 20190115
Who's the Rock? The New Living Translation goes all-in on Rome's private interpretation of Matthew 16.18. 20190101-Who's the Rock.jpg 20190101
ESV, Proclaimers of the Kingdom The ESV adopts Jehovah's Witnesses language in Acts 28.30-31 and Matthew 24.14. 20181229-ESV, Proclaimers of the Kingdom.jpg 20181229
Aaron's NIV Woes The NIV confuses Moses and Aaron in Number 21.7-8'. 20181225-Aaron's NIV Woes.jpeg 20181225
Spiritual Insights in the 'Greek and Hebrew' Satirical look at the fruits of 'going back to the Hebrew and Greek'. 20181212-Spiritual Insights in the 'Greek and Hebrew'.jpeg 20181212
Good News Fashion Police Target Coat The Good News Bible turns Jacob's coat of many colours into a long Catholic robe. 20181025-Good News Fashion Police Target Coat.jpg 20181025
CSB Rejects 'Divisive' Jesus The Christian Standard Bible rejects Jesus as a 'divisive' person in Titus 3.10. 20180805-CSB Rejects 'Divisive' Jesus.jpg 20180805
KJV Gimmick Demotes Jesus After 400 Years The KJV2000 impostor demoting Jesus to 'Teacher' in John 13.13. 20180801-KJV Gimmick Demotes Jesus After 400 Years.jpg 20180801
Unholy Helps Dangers of Bible study guides influenced by evolution. 20180623-Unholy Helps.jpg 20180623
NKJV Assault on Trinity The NKJV sleight of hand in rendering of Colossians 2.2. 20180516-NKJV Assault on Trinity.jpg 20180506
Crimes of Passion Sins of The Passion Translation. 20180506-Crimes of Passion.jpg 20180506
Comics or King James for Kids? Mixing dragon's gall in kids' bibles. 20180505-Comics or King James for Kids.jpeg 20180505
ESV Feeds Readers Unclean Words. Contradicting the Council of Jerusalem on unclean foods. 20180413-ESV Feeds Readers Unclean Words.jpeg 20180413
Ode to the Scholars A poem dedicated to the scholars which 'gifted' the world with the Modern Versions. 20180329-Ode to the Scholars.jpg 20180329
The Sales Pitch Fallacies of 'going back to the originals'. 20180313-The Sales Pitch.jpeg 20180313
HCSB Shrinks the Lord's Army Holman Christian Standard Bible and Revelation 19.14. 20180209-HCSB Shrinks the Lord's Army.jpeg 20180209
The NASB on Palestine New American Standard Bible's new Palestine notes. 20180125-The NASB on Palestine.jpeg 20180125
Unclean ESV Not Washed in the Blood The English Standard Version attacks the blood in Colossians 1.14. 20180111-Unclean ESV Not Washed in the Blood.jpg 20180111
Who Is Sitting on the ESV's Throne? The English Standard Version masks the occupant of the throne in Revelation 20.11. 20180103-Who Is Sitting on the ESV's Throne.jpg 20180103
A Road to Nowhere New Living Translation's Catholic translation. 20171014-A Road to Nowhere.jpg 20171014
Who's the Real Star of the NKJV? The New King James Version notes Lucifer as the Day Star (Jesus) in Isaiah 14.12. 20170929-Who's the Real Star of the NKJV.jpg 20170929
Have You Received 'True Power'? On the standard Bible college marketing ploy to attract students. 20170908-Have You Received 'True Power'.jpg 20170908


Rome: The Whore of Babylon

Title Description File Latest
The One True Abuser Pennsylvania discovers the raw evil of Rome in its 40th Grand Jury on her child abusing priests. 20250125-The One True Abuser.jpg 20250125
Wicked Book: Do Not Read Rome has ever hindered the people reading the Bible for themselves. One Catholic lady got a surprise when she did. 20250118-Wicked Book_Do Not Read.jpg 20250118
Spain in the Palm of Rome In 1953 under General Franco, Spain and Rome made their fornication official, and the country remains hers to this day. 20250115-Spain in the Palm of Rome.jpg 20250115
Rome's Serpent Goddess In Mexico after the Conquista, Rome simply switched their old serpent goddess to 'Mary', and it worked like a charm. 20241117-Rome's Serpent Goddess.jpg 20241117
Stairway to a Scam In 1511, Luther saw through Rome's Holy Stairs scam of indulgences, yet poor pilgrims are still being taken in to this day. 20241116-Stairway to a Scam.jpg 20241116
Bernard's Battle for Rome 'Saint' Bernard of Clairveaux charges into battle against the Bible, claiming there are two mediators between God and men! 20241112-Bernard's Battle for Rome.jpg 20241112
Orthodox Virgin Goddess Just like Rome, Athens also worships a virgin goddess 'Mary', making a smooth transition from Athena in the 5thC. 20241104-Orthodox Virgin Goddess.jpg 20241104
Vatican's New Christian Sorcerer 'Light' Rome has designed a 'Christian witch' idol for young people to ease them into Vaticancraft. 20241030-Vatican's New Christian Sorcerer 'Light'.jpg 20241030
Pope: Angry & Disgusting Jesuit Pope Francis gets in a rage when people burn the Qur'an, saying it must be respected by everyone. 20241021-Pope_Angry & Disgusting.jpg 20241021
Galatians 2 Ends Papacy Galatians 2 refutes 'Pope' Peter and the Papacy, as well as Rome's false gospel of faith plus works. 20240829-Galatians 2 Ends Papacy.jpg 20240829
Rome: Christian Cremators Rome reached a peak of cruelty at Montségur France during the Albigensian Crusade, burning the Christian 'heretics' there. 20240618-Rome_Christian Cremators.jpg 20240618
The Church of Allah Rome proclaims it and Islam are serving the same god, quite true, but it's not Jehovah! 20240615-The Church of Allah.jpg 20240615
Shake Hands With Antichrist Blame over the the tragic 1994 Rwandan genocide shifts between Belgian colonialism, Hutus and Tutsis, but what of Rome? 20240614-Shake Hands With Antichrist.jpg 20240614
Innocent III: Rome's Muhammad Rome lauds Pope Innocent III as one of her greatest popes. His greatest achievement? Exterminating French Christians with a crusade. 20240608-Innocent III_Rome's Muhammad.jpg 20240608
Rome's First Venezuelan Saint Off Assembly Line Rome has made Dr Jose Gregoria Hernandez Venezuela's first saint, but does this agree with the Bible? 20240604-Rome's First Venezuelan Saint Off Assembly Line.jpg 20240604
The Confessional Con Rome's sacrament of penance and reconciliation is shown to be a perversion of the gospel. 20240601-The Confessional Con.jpg 20240601
Rome's Saint Scam The world has bought into Rome's scam that she decides who is, and who isn't a saint! 20240525-Rome's Saint Scam.jpg 20240525
Rome: 9 Commandments & 7 Gifts Rome has no shame in deleting God's Ten Commandments, or making its own list of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. 20240525-Rome_9 Commandments & 7 Gifts.jpg 20240525
Rwanda: Machete in the Hand of Rome In 1994, Rome got drunk on the blood of 800K Tutsis in the Rwandan genocide while the world looked on in wonder and did nothing. 20240516-Rwanda_Machete in the Hand of Rome.jpg 20240516
The Pieta Perjury Rome falsifies crucifixion history to exalt Mary, showing the body of Jesus in her arms, which isn't found in any of the gospels. 20240331-The Pieta Perjury.jpg 20240331
Rome's Mendacity: Mass & Mary Rome's other gospel is built on lies; two of the biggest being the Mass, and her Mary. 20240326-Rome's Mendacity-Mass & Mary.jpg 20240326
Trafficking Souls of Men Undercover journalist James O'Keefe is somehow surprised to discover Rome is trafficking illegal immigrants in the U.S. 20240208-Trafficking Souls of Men.jpg 20240208
Rome's False Mediator Rome changes the one mediator in scripture, Jesus, to his mother Mary, destroying the way of salvation for Catholics in the process. 20240128-Rome's False Mediator.jpg 20240128
Rome Attacks Genesis The Pontifical Biblical Commission takes aim at those who believe Genesis means what it says. 20231230-Rome Attacks Genesis.jpg 20231230
Jesuits in Japan The Jesuits brought their false gospel of popery to Japan, causing persecution and disrepute. 20231226-Jesuits in Japan.jpg 20231226
Too Many Fathers Whereas Catholicism teaches each and every believer has thousands of 'fathers', the Apostle Paul said he has but few. 20231021-Too Many Fathers.jpg 20231021
We Don't Worship Mary Despite the protests, a look into a Catholic hymnal shows Catholics are worshipping Mary. 20231002-We Don't Worship Mary.jpg 20231002
Rome's Other Mediator Whereas Rome looks to Mary to reach Jesus, Christians go direct. 20230929-Rome's Other Mediator.jpg 20230929
R6me t6e B6ast The famous dictator Quintus Fabius 'the Delayer' looked to Rome's gods, which John revealed are part of the beast. 20230928-R6me t6e B6ast.jpg 20230928
Boniface Blasphemy By claiming power to forgive sin, Pope Boniface VIII makes himself God. 20230921-Boniface Blasphemy.jpg 20230921
Who's Looking to Whom? Pope Francis and the Apostle Paul fix their eyes on two different objects. 20230903-Who's Looking to Whom.jpg 20230903
Allah: God of Rome Since October 1965 in Vatican II, Rome declares her god and Islam's are one and the same: Allah. 20230625-Allah_God of Rome.jpg 20230625
Who Killed George? George Wishart was murdered in Scotland for preaching the gospel by its archenemy, Rome. 20230306-Who Killed George.jpg 20230306
Assassin's Creed The Society of Jesus is a body of assassins to be directed at will by the Pope. 20230305-Assassin's Creed.jpg 20230305
Benedict on Fire Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI died and is now on fire, probably forever. 20230101-Benedict on Fire.jpg 20230101
Cuba's Jesuit Fidel Castro was a spiritual child of the Jesuits, whose evil fruit spread from Cuba around the globe. 20221217-Cuba's Jesuit.jpg 20221217
Society of Androgyny Jesuit and national religious adviser to England and Wales Augustine Purnell reveals the true unisex god of Catholicism. 20221215-Society of Androgyny.jpg 20221215
Vatican Vipers A former Vatican auditor general finds out the Vatican is a nest of vipers. 20221115-Vatican Vipers.jpg 20221115
Pagan Lady of Penrhys Rome's Welsh image of stone turns pilgrims into blasphemers. 20220926-Pagan Lady of Penrhys.jpg 20220926
Rome's Strange Mother Rome's Mary turns out to be an impostor and a perversion of the Biblical Mary. 20220830-Rome's Strange Mother.jpg 20220830
Wars of the Rosary The Dominicans of today are amazed that the Rosary could be linked to violence. 20220820-Wars of the Rosary.jpg 20220820
The Jesuit Who Knew More Than God Jesuit George V. Coyne [1993-2020] of the Vatican Observatory claimed to know more than God! 20220816-The Jesuit Who Knew More Than God.jpg 20220816
The Jesuits: Set on Fire of Hell Jesuit apologist Markus Friedrich recommends studying the Jesuit Order's past; the order which Rome infallibly abolished in 1773. 20220810-The Jesuits_Set on Fire of Hell.jpg 20220810
Antichrist Ethics Pope Francis believes it is ethical to invest in unethical embryonic stem cell investments. 20220721-Antichrist Ethics.jpg 20220721
Speaking Lies In Hypocrisy Pope Francis says cut your meat-eating to 'save the environment', yet he still enjoys a good steak! 20220713-Speaking Lies In Hypocrisy.jpg 20220713
The Idle Shepherd Pope Francis recommends COVID 'vaccines' for all as an 'act of love', then stands idly by as 26,000+ Roman Catholics are killed after taking his advice. 20220710-The Idle Shepherd.jpg 20220710
Church of the World The 'Universal Church' of Rome is shown to be just another nation of the world, the antithesis of Christ's true Church. 20220625-Church of the World.jpg 20220625
Rome's Cardinal Error Wicked Henry VIII's unlawful divorce of Catherine of Aragon was actually encouraged by Rome, contrary to God's words. 20220613-Rome's Cardinal Error.jpg 20220613
Rome vs the 'Swine' In John Wycliffe Rome shows her true attitude towards the 'flock'; they are swine and not sheep! 20220611-Rome vs the 'Swine'.jpg 20220611
"Read John 6!" The 'proof-chapter' which begins most dialogues with a Roman Catholic or Orthodox believer teaches his faith is founded upon nothing. 20220606-Read John 6.jpg 20220606
The Catholic SS The SS was really an extension of the Jesuit Order, with Hitler calling Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler "our Ignatius of Loyola"! 20220518-The Catholic SS.png 20220518
From the Mouths of Devils The demon-possessed agree with Rome, forbidding Christian ministers to marry! 20220417-From the Mouths of Devils.png 20220417
The Francis Deception Catholic Saint Francis is a popular ecumenical tool of Rome, but what spirit inspired his life? 20220404-The Francis Deception.png 20220404
More Gun Control Catholic Saint Sir Thomas More in a story reveals why Rome is in principle against the Second Amendment; so 'heretics' can't defend themselves against her. 20220327-More Gun Control.png 20220327
The Making of Massacre Rome ignites the French Religious Wars in 1562 by massacring Christians in a village barn. 20220322-The Making of Massacre.png 20220322
Papal War Jesuit Pope Francis mouths 'peace' despite Popes historically having been warlords. 20220313-Papal War.png 20220313
'Patricks' Pagan Purgatory Rome's pagan monument in Ireland to its mythical Purgatory enthralls thousands of pilgrims each year. 20220224-'Patricks' Pagan Purgatory.png 20220224
Piltdown and the Priest It is no surprise that the Jesuits appear at the centre of the famous Piltdown Man hoax, a fraud used to attack Genesis and Sola Scriptura. 20220218-Piltdown and the Priest.jpg 20220118
The Priest Who Found Christ Ex-'Father' Joseph Zacchello tesifies against Rome's false gospel and for true gospel of grace as taught in the Bible. 20220121-Ex-'Father' Joseph Zachello.png 20220121
Papal Facade The Roman Church falls over when Peter and the 'papacy' are examined. 20220120-Papal Facade.png 20220120
Orthodox Mormonism Through its beloved 'saint' Athanasius of Alexandria, eastern Rome was preaching Mormonism's infamous doctrine of devils long before Joseph Smith came on the scene. 20220117-Orthodox Mormonism.png 20220117
Hellbound 'Helpers' Some lost Roman Catholics have created a support group for the mythical place called 'purgatory'. 20211129-Hellbound 'Helpers'.png 20211129
Jesuit Hate Speech Jesuit Pope Francis decries 'hate' speech, but his order requires the most vile and hate-filled oath to join up. 20211021-Jesuit Hate Speech.png 20211021
Papal Template For COVID Tyranny Uncannily similar tyranny driving the COVID plandemic was used back in 1688 by papist King James II who caused the Glorious Revolution. 20211010-Papal Template For COVID Tyranny.png 20211010
Eating God Rome shares the same belief with Hindus that one eats God, contrary to scripture. 20210829-Eating God.png 20210829
Roman Fascism In Australia The Roman Catholic Church has always been a fascist organisation, raising both Mussolini and Hitler to power. She also drove this system Down Under. 20210816-Roman Fascism In Australia.png 20210816
Rome: The House Built on a Man Pius IX dogmatized the unknown and heretical doctrine that Peter was infallible, and that this power rests on all Roman Pontiffs. 20210625-Rome_The House Built on a Man.png 20210625
Jesuit Equivocates on Pride Son of Loyola James Martin S.J. calls for a celebration of 'pride' month by changing the word's Biblical meaning. 20210604-Jesuit Equivocates on Pride.png 20210604
Jeane's Jesuit Astrology Astrologer and false prophet Jeane Dixon found nothing odd with merging her Catholicism and Jesuitism with the occult. 20210530-Jeane's Jesuit Astrology.png 20210530
Antichrist Pope 'Innocent' III Antichrist Pope Innocent III wiped out the French Cathars, and in England forced a £666 p.a. tribute on King John. 20210516-Antichrist Pope 'Innocent' III.png 20210516
Rome's Core Values In 1408, Archbishop of Canterbury and England's primate Thomas Arundel showed Rome's true colours on Bible translation. 20210401-Rome's Core Values.png 20210401
Rosa Mistica Babilonia 'Mary', a lying spirit from Mystery Babylon, appears to an Italian woman claiming to be a mediator between man and God. 20210330-Rosa Mistica Babilonia.png 20210330
Jesuit Praise for MYSTERY BABYLON James Martin, S.J., praises Mystery Babylon, Sophia, and Shekinah calling God a 'her'. 20210312-Jesuit Praise for MYSTERY BABYLON.png 20210312
I SEE DEAD PEOPLE...In the Roman Catholic Church The true gospel is to Rome as Jesus was to the Pharisees and scribes in Matthew 23.27. 20210310-I SEE DEAD PEOPLE...In the Roman Catholic Church.png 20210310
Jesuitism: Doing Evil for 'Good' Jesuit Pope Francis approves the use of murdered children in development of Wuhan virus gene therapies. 20210221-Jesuitism, Doing Evil for 'Good'.png 20210221
Rome: Mother of Propaganda In 1622, the whore of Babylon created what has become "propaganda", using it to destroy the gospel. 20210125-Rome_Mother of Propaganda.jpg 20210125
Meet Jesuit Fauci's 'Dear Friend', 'Dr' Tedros Jesuit-educated Dr Antony Fauci lauds his not-so-strange bedfellow, communist WHO boss 'Dr' Tedros over the COVID-19 plandemic. 20210124-Meet Jesuit Fauci's 'Dear Friend', 'Dr' Tedros.png 20210124
The Queen of Demons Rome's Queen of Heaven also manifests as Mormonism's 'Heavenly Mother'. 20200923-The Queen of Demons.jpg 20200923
Hitler and Pope Francis on Social Justice The Jesuit Order hasn't changed ideology since it raised Hitler to power. 20200502-Hitler and Pope Francis on Social Justice.jpg 20200502
Liberation Theology, Servant of Corruption Born from the Jesuit mind, LT traces from South America into the U.S., even touching ex-President Barry Sotero. 20200411-Liberation Theology, Servant of Corruption.jpg 20200502
Counter-Reformation Corpses Rome's counter-reformation tactic of passing off corpses as dead martyrs, decking them in precious stones and selling them to 'the faithful' at a healthy margin. 20191223-Counter-Reformation Corpses.png 20191223
Rome's 'Tools of the Trade' I Rome's home-grown torture machines to maim and murder Christians; the Spanish Collar, iron crown, and the iron mask. 20190822-Rome's 'Tools of the Trade' I.jpeg 20190822
Rome's 'Tools of the Trade' II Rome's home-grown torture machines to maim and murder Christians; the leg crusher, hot mittens, and the heretick catcher. 20190824-Rome's 'Tools of the Trade' II.jpeg 20190824
Rome's 'Tools of the Trade' III Rome's home-grown torture machines to maim and murder Christians; the iron bed, hanging by weights, and roasting alive. 20190824-Rome's 'Tools of the Trade' III.jpeg 20190824
Rome the Bilderberg Whore Rome fornicating with world powers as is her custom. 20180612-Rome the Bilderberg Whore.jpg 20180612
Roman Church Vilifies Authorized Version Rome, "semper eadem", burning King James Bibles in the streets of New York in 1842. 20180518-Roman Church Vilifies Authorized Version.jpg 20180518
Cenacles of Satan Marian Movement of Priests teaching people to pray to a devil called 'Mary', wife of the Holy Ghost. 20180505-Cenacles of Satan.jpeg 20180505
Jesuit Replaces Fear of the LORD With 'Science' Where a Jesuit astronomer says that science is a path to the knowledge of God, the Bible says the fear of the LORD is. 20180426-Jesuit Replaces Fear of the LORD With 'Science'.jpeg 20180426
Fifteen Lies From 'Mary' Mary's Rosary Chain necromancy based on a 13thC legend that 'Mary' gave fifteen promises to 'Saint' Dominic for all who invoke her with pagan prayer beads. 20180123-Fifteen Lies From 'Mary'.pdf 20180123
Heaven Without Gertrude A deceived 13thC German Benedictine nun invents a prayer that gets 1,000 people out of Purgatory (which doesn't even exist)! 20180207-Heaven Without Gertrude.jpg 20180207
Damned 'Saint' Therese Martin A 19thC French Carmelite nun thought suffering and self-isolation as a Catholic could bring salvation instead of the gospel. 20180114-Damned 'Saint' Therese Martin.jpg 20180114
Ten Jesuit Arguments Against the Authorized Version The Jesuit order tries to discredit its arch-nemesis, the Authorized Version. 20170825-Ten Jesuit Arguments Against the Authorized Version.jpg 20170825
The Miraculous Medal, A Gift From Hell In 1830, a French nun saw a demon 'Mary' in the convent chapel which told her to make an occult necklace, the "Miraculous Medal". 20170624-The Miraculous Medal, A Gift From Hell.jpg 20170624


Islam: Antichrist Religion

Title Description File Latest
Quran 4: Case Dismissed The Quran's outrageous denial of Jesus' crucifixion in chapter 4 must be thrown out of court. 20250320-Quran 4_Case Dismissed.jpg 20250320
Muhammad Ali Commits Shirk In the 1960s, 'Cassius Clay' became 'Muhammad Ali' after converting to Islam, yet years later he writes poems of shirk! 20250101-Muhammad Ali Commits Shirk.jpg 20250101
Slavery: Islamic or Christian? Contrary to media propaganda, it was Muslims who drove the African slave trade, and Christians who stopped it. 20241112-Slavery_Islamic or Christian.jpg 20241112
Turkey's Armenian Jihad Ottoman Muslims took advantage of WWI to wage jihad against Armenian Christians and genocide them. 20241031-Turkey's Armenian Jihad.jpg 20241031
Allah: Secret Zionist Muslims across the globe grind their teeth over the existence of Israel, yet it was Allah who told the Jews to take the land by force! 20241019-Allah_Secret Zionist.jpg 20241019
When Your Quran Commits Shirk According to Q23.14 and 37.125, Allah is comparable to other creators, contradicting 'Tawheed'. 20241013-When Your Quran Commits Shirk.jpg 20241013
The Stone Religion A Nigerian Muslim finally realised he was in a pagan religion after visiting Islam's black stone. 20241008-The Stone Religion.jpg 20241008
Islam: Perfect Failure From his 24 years governing Egypt, the Earl of Cover explains why Islam is a complete failure. 20241007-Islam_Perfect Failure.jpg 20241007
Pakistan: Born in Lies Shia Muslim Muhammad Ali Jinnah founded Pakistan in 1947 and lied about religious freedom for all citizens. 20241006-Pakistan_Born in Lies.jpg 20241006
Sharia Sudan The history of Islam in Sudan has been Jihad, bloodshed, and Sharia, as 1983 showed. 20240929-Sharia Sudan.jpg 20240929
Islam: No Compulsion Quran 2.256 says there is no compulsion in religion, which Mauritania interprets as death to apostates. 20240921-Islam_No Compulsion.jpg 20240921
Britain: Sharia Spring Britain chose to ally with Islam and betray Christianity to gain northern Nigeria, then force an unholy union between north and south leading to today's woes. 20240908-Britain_Sharia Spring.jpg 20240908
Kingdom Truths Expat Westerner and secularist Jill Koolmes discovers the reality of Islam versus Christianity. 20240829-Kingdom Truths.jpg 20240829
Nigeria: Slaves of Jihad Nigeria has a rich history in jihad and slavery from following in Muhammad's footsteps. 20240817-Nigeria_Slaves of Jihad.jpg 20240817
Holbach's Prophet 18thC atheist French philosopher Baron d'Holbach gives an uncannily accurate description of a certain 'Arab'. 20240811-Holbach's Prophet.jpg 20240811
Islam: Born in Bloodshed Islam was born in violence. After Muhammad's death came the Apostasy Wars, Caliph Abu Bakr's short rule, then Islam's bloody Shia/Sunni split which reigns till this day! 20240721-Islam_Born in Bloodshed.jpg 20240721
Britain: Sharia Enforcer In 1860, Britain abandons free speech in India by issuing a Sharia-style penal code to placate Muslims there. 20240704-Britain_Sharia Enforcer.jpg 20240704
Who Killed Esther Qamar Zia converted to Christ age 17 from a Pakistani Muslim family and faithfully served Christ 14 years till she was murdered in her sleep. 20240703-Who Killed Esther.jpg 20240703
Dying for Hajj The Fourth Pillar of Islam as decreed by Muhammad can be fatal, and in the end is all built on a lie. 20240622-Dying for Hajj.jpg 20240622
Australian Federation of Islamic Lies The Australian Federation of Islamic Societies seeks to grow the cult of Islam in Australia, a religion built on lies. 20240612-Australian Federation of Islamic Lies.pdf 20240612
Sicily: 434 Years of Terror Muhammad commanded Muslims to spread Islam by the sword, which they did in Sicily for over four centuries. 20240530-Sicily_434 Years of Terror.jpg 20240530
False God of the Fig Unlike the true God Jehovah who can only swear by Himself, the false god Allah swears by figs, olives, and cities! 20240530-False God of the Fig.jpg 20240530
Islam: Scholars in the Dark Western 'scholars' are suprememly confident when it comes to history of the Qur'an, yet don't even know the basics. 20240523-Islam_Scholars in the Dark.jpg 20240523
Mad Muhammad's Mut'ah The Islamic god Allah allows 'temporary marriage', which is just another type of sacred prostitution. 20240414-Mad Muhammad's Mut'ah.jpg 20240414
Allah's Trinity Test 'Allah' is meant to know everything, yet can't get the most basic belief of Christianity right. 20240229-Allah's Trinity Test.jpg 20240229
Islam: Cause & Effect In Sweden Sweden's mass importation of Islam over the last decade has borne fruit exactly as the Qur'an reads. 20240225-Islam_Cause & Effect In Sweden.jpg 20240225
The Hour of a False Prophet Muhammad makes a false prophecy when the Last Hour will come. 20240211-The Hour of a False Prophet.jpg 20240211
The Black Slaves of Islam Following the example of Muhammad, Islam led a roaring slave trade in north Africa, especially the Sudan, where whole villages were raided and sold into slavery. 20240211-The Black Slaves of Islam.jpg 20240211
Muslims Love John 17 Muslims love to go to John 17.3 to 'prove' Jesus is not the true God, yet misunderstand this verse, and ignore the rest of the chapter. 20240128-Muslims Love John 17.jpg 20240128
Allah's Nazi Army Islam and Nazism are best friends, approved by Allah to slaughter the untermenschen. 20240107-Allah's Nazi Army.jpg 20240107
The Suicidal Seer So-called 'prophet' Muhammad began his ministry in terror from his cave revelations, then tried to commit suicide from depression. 20231225-The Suicidal Seer.jpg 20231225
The Mecca of Petra Allah gets confused thinking Christians have a qibla, and changes the direction he wants Muslims to pray to, but from where? 20231112-The Mecca of Petra.jpg 20231112
Confronting the Religion of Hatred The religion which cries 'Islamophobia' worships the god of hatred! 20231102-Confronting the Religion of Hatred.jpg 20231102
Reliable Terror On Halloween in 1999, EgyptAir Flight 990 First Officer Gameel Al-Batouti obeyed Allah, murdering 270 to enter Jannah. 20231014-Reliable Terror.jpg 20231014
Select All Astronomical Events Can you spot the astronomical event never attested to by anyone outside the Ahadith? 20231009-Select All Astronomical Events.jpg 20231009
Sultanic Slavery The Islamic Ottoman Empire sought to put Islam into practice, including its slavery. 20231002-Sultanic Slavery.jpg 20231002
Celebrating the Birth of One Who Never Existed Mawlid al-Nabawi is meant to be Muhammad's birthday, but what evidence is there he even existed? 20230929-Celebrating the Birth of One Who Never Existed.jpg 20230929
Allah's Divine Satanic Bells Allah reveals Quran to Muhammad by the ringing of Satan's instrument: the humble bell. 20230910-Allah's Divine Satanic Bells.jpg 20230910
Allah's Weird Week Allah claims to have created all, yet his week is short by a day, and he doesn't know Jehovah's chronology in the Bible. 20230909-Allah's Weird Week.jpg 20230909
Religion of Logic Islam likes to boast how logical it is, yet is riddled with internal, biological, and historical contradictions. 20230906-Religion of Logic.jpg 20230906
The 1924 'Original' Upon examination, Islam's 'standard narrative' of a perfectly preserved Qur'an falls apart. 20230819-The 1924 'Original'.jpg 20230819
Islam: The Matter of Black Lives Many fall for the propaganda Christianity is a White Man's Religion and Islam a Black Man's, but what does Muhammad reveal? 20230729-Islam_The Matter of Black Lives.jpg 20230729
Lars Attacks the Disgraceful Qur'an Danish Foreign Minister Lars Rasmussen calls out the Qur'an as disgraceful. 20230726-Lars Attacks the Disgraceful Qur'an.jpg 20230727
Qur'an: Nothing Compares Singer Sinéad O'Connor left one false religion for another, based on The Cow! 20230727-Qur'an_Nothing Compares.jpg 20230727
Jesus Akbar! The Quranic Jesus turns out to be greater than 'Muhammad', a fatal contradiction in the 'perfect' Qur'an. 20230718-Jesus Akbar.jpg 20230718
Islam's Five-Point Hate Plan Front group for the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, the United Nations looks to bring in global Sharia blasphemy laws. 20230715-Islam's Five-Point Hate Plan.pdf 20230715
Will France become an Islamic country? Sheikh Abu Taqi Al-Din Al-Dair boasts France (and the world) will become an Islamic country, by the sword of Allah if it comes to it! 20230708-France will become an Islamic country.jpg 20230708
OIC Hates Qur'an! The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) condemns its god Allah for spreading religious hatred! 20230707-OIC Hates Qur'an.jpg 20230707
Churchill Vs Islam At age 25, Winston Churchill already understood the clear and present danger Islam presents to the world. 20230629-Churchill Vs Islam.jpg 20230629
Islam: Thou Shalt Commit Adultery Allah commands Muhammad to commit adultery with his adopted son's 'ex'-wife! 20230622-Islam_Thou Shalt Commit Adultery.jpg 20230622
Islam's Six-Year-Old Mother Muhammad's six-year-old 'wife' Aisha (daughter of future Caliph Umar who burnt the Qur'an) becomes a mother to all. 20230622-Islam's Six-Year-Old Mother.jpg 20230622
Death to the Salamander! Muhammad received revelation from his god to kill salamanders! 20230622-Death to the Salamander.jpg 20230622
These Have One Mind The Nazi's 13th Waffen Mountain SS “Handschar” Division dissolves any differences between Islam and Nazism. 20230617-These Have One Mind.jpg 20230617
Obama's Islam Deception Ex-President Barack Obama's deceptive speech at Cairo to the Muslim world must have made Allah, the “best of deceivers”, proud. 20230529-Obama's Islam Deception.jpg 20230529
Caliph Charles: Fidei Defensor King Charles III inherits the popish title 'Fidei Defensor', but which faith is he committed to defending? 20230514-Caliph Charles-Fidei Defensor.jpg 20230514
Paradise Lost The myth of a 700-year Islamic paradise in Spain is exploded; it was hell on earth for those conquered by iron and fire. 20230423-Paradise Lost.jpg 20230423
Best of Tricksters More than once the Qur'an states Allah is one amongst a number of "creators", but how many options are there? 20230319-Best of Tricksters.jpg 20230319
Islam: No.1 Corruption The most corrupt country on earth is almost 100% Islamic, worshipping a god who calls himself the "best of schemers". 20230211-Islam_No.1 Corruption.jpg 20230211
Top Ten Christian Killers In 2023 Of the top ten Christian-killing countries of the world in 2023, nine of them are Islamic. 20230118-Top Ten Christian Killers In 2023.jpg 20230118
The Terror of Peace Islam claims it has nothing to do with terror, but the Qur'an, Muhammad, its victims say the opposite. 20221230-The Terror of Peace.jpg 20221230
Husbands, Beat Your Wives A wife from Afghanistan reveals the truth about women under Islam. 20220921-Husbands, Beat Your Wives.jpg 20220921
The Heathen Prophet The Prophet Jesus condemns Muhammad as heathen 600 years before his 'revelations'. 20220912-The Heathen Prophet.jpg 20220912
WWMD Find out what Muhammad would do to those who oppose him with words. 20220823-WWMD.jpg 20220823
Islam Revealed Arabian and Christian Dr Anis Shorrosh reveals the truth about Islam's claim to be peaceful. 20220804-Islam Revealed.jpg 20220804
Allah's Perfect Bible The Qur'an confirms both the Bible's verbal and plenary inspiration, and in so doing condemns itself. 20220717-Allah's Perfect Bible.jpg 20220717
Failing the Test Allah puts out a challenge designed to prove the Quran's divine origin. 20220503-Failing the Test.png 20220503
The Best People Since Allah calls Muslims "the best of peoples" and to jihad, and Muhammad drove out Christians and Jews from Arabia, any 'coexistence' with the 'People of the Book' is a fantasy. 20220501-The Best People.png 20220501
The Blind Prophet Unlike Biblical prophets who knew their destiny, the 'Seal of the Prophets' was clueless. 20220501-The Blind Prophet.png 20220501
"A" Is For Abrogation The key to understanding Islam on paper versus reality is its doctrine of abrogation. 20220410-'A' Is For Abrogation.png 20220410
No Peace: Islam V the Jews Islam is crystal clear; there can never be peace with the Jews. 20220407-No Peace_Islam V the Jews.png 20220407
Islam's Unholy Relics Replete with relics of 'Muhammad', Islam turns out to be just another superstitious religion. 20220406-Islam's Unholy Relics.png 20220406
Islam Against a Judge A Yemeni judge runs into angry Muslims when he stops a seventy-year-old man marrying a nine-year-old girl. 20220211-Islam Against A Judge.png 20220211
The Non-Historical Qur'an Historian Tom Holland points out the elephant in the Kabaa; the Qur'an has no historical support. 20220130-The Non-Historical Quran.png 20220130
The Right Age for Islam The reason reports of child pregnancies at age ten exist from the Arabian slave trade in the 19thC is because the 'perfect man' Muhammad had sex with Aisha when she was just nine years old. 20220117-The Right Age for Islam.png 20220117
Allah: Destroyer No.61 The god of Islam identifies with the same title the Bible gives to the devil. 20211124-Allah_Destroyer No.61.png 20211124
Barbarous Dogs As per the eternal Qur'an, North African Islamic white slavers were brutal towards any 'pagan' Christians they found sailing on the high seas. 20211108-Barbarous Dogs.png 20211108
Allah's Catholic Confusion Allah mistakes the Christian beliefs he condemns in the Qur'an for Roman Catholicism. 20211009-Allah's Catholic Confusion.png 20211009
Meet The 'Perfect' Man Any comparison between Muhammad and Jesus Christ is offensive. 20210916-Meet The 'Perfect' Man.png 20210916
Islam: Weighed in the Balance & Found Wanting Islam's false gospel of works is outweighed by the true gospel of grace. 20210727-Islam_Weighed in the Balance & Found Wanting.png 20210727
Allah's Creation Confusion Allah's inconsistent creation accounts shows he is making it up as he goes and is impersonating the true creator, Jesus Christ. 20210725-Allah's Creation Confusion.png 20210725
Allah: Angel of Light Allah in Al Nur 35 tries to usurp Jesus Christ as the light of the world. 20210725-Allah_Angel of Light.png 20210725
Noah's Son: Lost at Sea? The Quranic account of Noah's Flood is riddled with changes to Genesis 6-9 in the "Book of Moses" it claims to adhere to. 20210721-Noah's Son_Lost at Sea.png 20210721
Ungrateful Guests Since 'Allah' is incapable of coming down to earth or eating, the Qur'an changes the account of Abraham's visitation in Genesis 18. 20210717-Ungrateful Guests.png 20210717
Whose Land Is It Anyway? The Holy Bible clears up the issue of 'Palestine' land ownership. 20210714-Whose Land Is It Anyway.png 20210714
Allah, Apes, and Pigs 'Allah' claims to have turned men into apes and pigs. 20210712-Allah, Apes, and Pigs.png 20210712
Clearing Things Up Instead of making things clear, Surah 28 makes a bunch of errors copying the Bible. 20210711-Clearing Things Up.png 20210711
'Muhammad' on Romans 'Muhammad' tries to prophesy but fails. 20210711-'Muhammad' on Romans.png 20210711
Abraham & 'Azar' 'Allah' made a blunder in Surah 6.74 calling Abraham's father Azar, not Terah. 20210707-Abraham & 'Azar'.png 20210707
Quran vs History The Quran lies about the historical crucifixion of Jesus based on Biblical plus hostile pagan witnesses. 20210529-Quran vs History.png 20210529
False Prophet Muhammad's Aorta Qur'an 69.64-66 and Sahih al-Bukhari together testify that Muhammad was a false prophet. 20210407-False Prophet Muhammad's Aorta.jpg 20210407
al-'Uzza,Al-Lat,Manat and the Satanic Verses Earliest Muhammad biographer Ibn Ishaq records how Muhammad originally taught that idolatry was okay. 20191201-al-'Uzza,Al-Lat,Manat and the Satanic Verses.jpg 20191201



Title Description File Latest
Mycenae: City of ID Archaeologists rely on Intelligent Design to interpret the past, as the tomb of Mycenae shows. 20241024-Mycenae_City of ID.jpg 20241024
Deep-Time-Free Diamonds Contra marketing and evolutionary deep time propaganda, diamonds are only known to be created fast. 20240526-Deep-Time-Free Diamonds.jpg 20240526
100% Design Assembly Lines Toyota's famous assembly lines are a shadow of protein assembly line technology, but both are designed. 20240329-100% Design Assembly Lines.jpg 20240329
Outrageous Ooids Geologist Dr John Whitmore makes an amazing scientific discovery at the Coconino Sandstone; that it was water formed. 20231105-Outrageous Ooids.jpg 20231105
When 'Yom' Means 'Yom' Esteemed Hebrew scholar James Barr [1924-2006] states the obvious; that יום in Genesis 1-2, Exodus 20, etc., means precisely a regular 24-hour day. 20230701-When 'Yom' Means 'Yom'.jpg 20230701
Naming Leviathan The Bible's internal dictionary shows leviathan was what paleontologists since 1842 would have called a 'dragon'. 20230615-Naming Leviathan.jpg 20230615
An Ear to Hear Human hearing is clearly the work of a Master Acoustician. 20230104-An Ear to Hear.jpg 20230104
All About Hell God's created place from which there is no escape. 20220519-All About Hell.png 20220519
Dragons First! Claimed to be the first historical record, the Narmer Palette from Egypt shows two sauropod dragon creatures, exactly what would be expected from the Bible. 20220211-Dragons First.png 20220211
The Twelve Animals of the Chinese Zodiac The ancient Chinese Zodiac system is powerful testimony to the existence of dragons (in recent times renamed to "dinosaurs"); creatures God created on Day 6 of creation along with man. 20220205-The Twelve Animals of the Chinese Zodiac.png 20220205
Twelve C's Adapted from Answers in Genesis' "Seven Cs"; a list of twelve universe-shaking events all rooted in Genesis 20211128-Twelve Cs.png 20211128
Noahic Flood Timeline A timeline of the greatest catastrophe in history, whose impact is witnessed today in global rock strata and fossils. 20200719-Noahic Flood Timeline.jpg 20200719
Matthew 6.26 Consider a Christian's value against a lowly fowl. 20200621-Matthew 6.26.jpg 20200621
God's Golden Ratio The Master Mathematician signs his creative works with a golden number. 20200202-God's Golden Ratio.png 20200202
Trees-Masters of Fluid Dynamics God shows off his engineering brilliance in the humble tree. 20200111-Trees-Masters of Fluid Dynamics.jpg 20200111
'Dating' Mount St Helens Lava Dome Falsifying the bedrock holding up 'evolutionary' theory; radiometric dating. 20191031-'Dating' Mount St Helens Lava Dome.jpg 20191031
Sycamore Versus Samarai Lockheed Martin copy God's design of the Sycamore seed but deny Him credit. 20190909-Sycamore Versus Samarai.jpg 20190909
Gifted Hands The marvellously designed hand and Proverbs 31. 20190831-Gifted Hands.png 20190831
Festo-SmartBird, Inspired by 'Nature' German company Festo designed a mechanical 'smart' seagull by copying God's smarter bird. 20190821-Festo-SmartBird, Inspired by 'Nature'.jpg 20190821
Pluto, 6,000 Years Young Pluto's five special satellites destroy the Nebular Hypothesis. 20190614-Pluto, 6,000 Years Young.jpg 20190614
A Triceratops Testifies A dragon's flesh gives evidence against evolutionary 'deep time'. 20180128-A Triceratops Testifies.jpg 20180128


Prophecy: Why the Bible Alone Must Be God's Words

Title Description File Latest
Two Horns of Prophecy The 6thC BC prophet Daniel in Elam foresees the rise of Medo-Persia's ram a decade in advance. 20241130-Two Horns of Prophecy.jpg 20241130
Iron Kingdom Rome, West and East, is the fourth kingdom of iron prophesied by Daniel centuries before its rise to power. 20221219-Iron Kingdom.jpg 20221219
Cyrus Isaiah prophecies of Cyrus the Great 200 years in advance, and archaeology is one of his witnesses. 20220708-Cyrus.jpg 20220708
Four From One Daniel further prophesies that Alexander's empire will break up into four weaker kingdoms, which was fulfilled in 301 BC. 20220407-Four From One.png 20220407
The Swift Beast Daniel the Prophet foresaw Alexander the Great's lightning world conquest over 200 years in advance. 20220331-The Swift Beast.png 20220331


Archaeology: External Witness to the Bible as Plain History

Title Description File Latest
Hittites Humble Hubris Critics used to mock the Bible for mentioning a Hittite kingdom, until archaeologists discovered its capitol in 1906! 20241017-Hittites Humble Hubris.jpg 20241017
The Pilate Proof Scripture and history testify to the life of Pilate, and therefore to Jesus as well. 20230629-The Pilate Proof.jpg 20230629
Sennacherib's Bird The proud Assyrian King Sennacherib is as historical a figure as can be proved, as written in the Bible. 20221222-Sennacherib's Bird.jpg 20221222


Atheism: Religion of Fools

Title Description File Latest
Abiogenesis: Key of Atheism Investigative journalist Lee Strobel makes plain the key of atheism; abiogenesis. 20240714-Abiogenesis_Key of Atheism.jpg 20240714
Bob Cargill's Problems With the Law 'Agnostic' Dr Bob Cargill believes in his own mind he's found many contradictions about the Ten Commandments. 20240706-Bob Cargill's Problems With the Law.pdf 20240706
Son of Atheism North Korean socialist dictator Kim Il Sung stayed true to his parents' example. 20240627-Son of Atheism.jpg 20240627
Eight Atheist 'Arguments' Atheists use a number of poor arguments to attack Christianity. 20240512-Eight Atheist 'Arguments'.jpg 20240512
The Atheist Mind Virus Atheist Richard Dawkins gives the etiology of the 'mind virus', which has infected every atheist. 20240316-The Atheist Mind Virus.jpg 20240316
Six Atheist Arguments Atheists employ a number of superficial 'arguments' to reject Christianity. 20240121-Six Atheist Arguments.jpg 20240121
Hypocrite Hits Home Hypocrite Steven Weinberg rightly calls out those who take God lightly, yet ignores his own blind atheism. 20231230-Hypocrite Hits Home.jpg 20231230
Vaccine Pope Going to Hell Atheist vaccine pope Stanley Plotkin reveals all in a nine-hour deposition, including his personal war against God. 20231211-Vaccine Pope Going to Hell.jpg 20231211
So What Caused the Universe? Atheists are desperate to get rid of God and a beginning to the universe, and the layman thinks the 'Big Bang' does the trick. 20230710-So What Caused the Universe.jpg 20230710
Centuries of Atheism Atheism's contribution to the world over the last three hundred years has been the death of God, then people, and finally hope. 20230619-Centuries of Atheism.jpg 20230619
The American Paradox Solved Statistics since the 1960s show God's curse upon the U.S. (and the West) for rejecting him. 20230604-The American Paradox Solved.jpg 20230604
Angkar Atheism 'Democratic' Kampuchea (4/17/1974-1/7/1979) showcases why atheism is the greatest killer in history. 20230521-Angkar Atheism.jpg 20230521
Atheists Disagree Over Nothing Venerable atheist icon David Hume butts heads with New Atheist Lawrence Krauss over nothing! 20230420-Atheists Disagree Over Nothing.jpg 20230422
The Harari Deception Atheist Yuval Noah Harari believes the serpent in the Garden of Eden was a myth, yet still believes every one of his words. 20230104-The Harari Deception.jpg 20230104
Foundation of Hypocrisy The Atheist Foundation of Australia is built on hypocrisy. 20221006-Foundation of Hypocrisy.jpg 20221006
On Going to Hell Agnostic 'radical' Saul Alinsky goes to hell. 20220508-On Going to Hell.png 20220508
Mind the Spirit Atheists believe the absurd; that "minds" are simply meat-machine products of brains, but the Bible says they are spiritual. 20220316-Mind the Spirit.png 20220316
Hard Judgment Ahead Atheists jettison their sanity with incredible insults against a God they believe doesn't exist. 20220212-Hard Judgment Ahead.png 20220212
Second-Place Killers Usually in first place, atheist North Korea came in second in 2022 for persecuting and murdering Christians. 20220212-Second-Place Killers.png 20220212
Stay Out of Our Lives! Atheists think something they can't explain, evil, proves God can't exist, but it turns out they wouldn't really want Him to stop it if He did! 20220211-Stay Out of Our Lives.png 20220211
What's the Matter? The materialist never stops to consider that behind his universe is a magical lump of matter! 20220209-What's the Matter.png 20220209
Stopping Vain Talkers The 'lying Cretians' of Titus 1 have an important application to the self-refuting atheist. 20220130-Stopping Vain Talkers.png 20220130
Unhinged, An Atheist Bares All Atheist Arthur Frederick Ide takes aim at the Whore of Bablylon's evil deeds, but this is a cover for his real motive to find 'contradictions' in the Bible and so falsify the true faith. 20220128-Unhinged, An Atheist Bares All.png 20220128
Peter Singer, Philosopher of Death Atheist philosopher Peter Singer is proof of where baseless atheist 'ethics' always arrive, at infanticide. 20210317-Peter Singer, Philosopher of Death.png 20210317
Reversing Rebel Rhetoric Atheists like to psycholigise 'religion', which is easily turned around. 20201209-Reversing Rebel Rhetoric.png 20201209
Sillygistic Scoffers, or, Consequential Affirmers While Atheists pride themselves on being "logical", their common arguments are all found to be illogical. 20201122-Sillygistic Scoffers, or, Consequential Affirmers.png 20201122
Know Your Fools No matter how they "self-identify", God calls every atheist a fool. 20201011-Know Your Fools.png 20201011
The Atheist Tapestry A mosaic of atheist testimonies show what a mess their religion is. 20200905-The Atheist Tapestry.jpeg 20200905
A Tirading Atheist An unknown atheist gathers common anti-God canards together in what hardly passes for a book. 20200718-A Tirading Atheist.jpeg 20200718
Peter Singer and Judges 17.6 Infamous atheist Peter Singer almost quotes scripture, recommending doing things 'his way'. 20200308-Peter Singer and Judges 17.6 20200308
Charles Templeton the Fool False convert and ex-'evangelist' Charles Templeton says goodbye to God and hello to Hell. 20200211-Charles Templeton the Fool.png 20200211
Hostile Pagan's Agree, Jesus Was a Real Person Though rare,some foolish atheists today want to believe Jesus Christ never even existed. 20190603-Hostile Pagan's Agree-Jesus Was a Real Person.jpeg 20190603


Evolutionism: Where Nothing Creates Everything

Title Description File Latest
Freeing Moses From 'the Science' Apostle of Deep Time Charles Lyell rejected Moses in his war on Genesis, yet never could quite accept the new faith in Darwin. 20250223-Freeing Moses From 'the Science'.jpg 20250223
The Darwins' Fear of Hell Grandfather and grandson Evolutionists, the Darwins, held a special hatred for the doctrine of hell. 20250215-20250215-The Darwins' Fear of Hell.jpg 20250215
Man of Pseudoscience The proud 'Man of Science' will believe all things when it comes to life's origin, as long as God is not involved! 20250210-Man of Pseudoscience.jpg 20250210
CoE: Lyell's Useful Idiots Lawyer-Geologist Charles Lyell used the useful idiots of the Church of England to destroy the Bible they claim to build their faith on! 20250130-CoE_Lyell's Useful Idiots.jpg 20250130
Destroying Darwinism Foolish scholars know Darwinism is fatal to the Biblical doctrine of inerrancy, yet look for compromise and in so doing destroy themselves. 20250119-Destroying Darwinism.jpg 20250119
Evolution: An Alien Disease Evolutionists in a quandry over chemical evolution on Earth turn to space pathogens in hope. 20250110-Evolution_An Alien Disease.jpg 20250110
High Priest High on Evolution In his anthology, High Priest Richard Dawkins shows he himself is victim to a mind virus which has destroyed his reason; Darwinism. 20250101-High Priest High on Evolution.jpg 20250101
Evolution's Primevil Idol Evolutionists put a 'primeval fireball' as chief idol of their Big Bang religion. 20241231-Evolution's Primevil Idol.jpg 20241231
Clive in the Dock Perhaps the most popular Christian author, Clive Staples Lewis was a Darwinist who called Genesis a folk tale. 20241226-Clive in the Dock.jpg 20241226
A Pox on Darwin Darwin’s mysterious 40-year illness which killed him at 73 from heart attack has surprising parallels with cowpox vaccine injury. 20241225-A Pox on Darwin.jpg 20241225
Coyne & Crowley's Beatles Inveterate Evolutionist Jerry Coyne committed himself heart and soul to Atheism age 17 while listening to the Beatles. 20241213-Coyne & Crowley's Beatles.jpg 20241213
How Some Christians Err Compromising Christians err in Genesis since they know they can't square it with the so-called 'science'. 20241027-How Some Christians Err.jpg 20241027
Time: Zero of the Plot Far from being the 'Hero' of Evolution's plot, time is in reality the ultimate flat character. 20241017-Time_Zero of the Plot.jpg 20241017
WLC on Instruments of Satan Genesis-destroyer William Lane Craig cautions others about destroying faith in the Bible! 20240924-WLC on Instruments of Satan.jpg 20240924
NOVA's Dover PBS' NOVA makes a Darwinist propaganda piece on Evolution's 'victory' over Intelligent Design in Kitzmiller v. Dover (2005). 20240908-NOVA's Dover.jpg 20240908
Craven Evolution Evolutionists mock the Biblical 'kind' idea, and so got a surpise from the 'evolutionary-distant' crow and raven 'species'. 20240907-Craven Evolution.jpg 20240907
WLC: Sola Columna Apologist William Lane Craig is fully compromised, his ultimate source of truth being the so-called 'geologic column', not sola scriptura. 20240902-WLC_Sola Columna.jpg 20240902
Christians in Two Minds Pew Research has found 36% of Christians explicitly believe God used Evolution. What do Evolutionists have to say about this? 20240901-Christians in Two Minds.jpg 20240901
NABT: The Fix Is In The National Association of Biology Teachers reveal their 100% bias against any Creator of life. 20240901-NABT_The Fix Is In.jpg 20240901
Piltdown Fly Before the infamous Piltdown Man fraud was the lesser known Piltdown Fly; in both cases evolutionists were duped. 20240824-Piltdown Fly.jpg 20240824
Eschatology From Hell Evolutionist end time options are a depressing hell, in stark contrast to the Christian Creationist. 20240810-Eschatology From Hell.jpg 20240810
Darwinism: The 5th Element Educator John Gatto (1935-2018) uncovers Darwinism as a key pillar in selecting out the unfit from classrooms. 20240808-Darwinism_The 5th Element.jpg 20240808
The Greatest Faith on Earth Far from being faithless, atheist Richard Dawkins shews his great faith in the idol of Natural Selection. 20240804-The Greatest Faith on Earth.jpg 20240804
Prince of Lies Second in power with his fellow princes to the Pope, Cardinal George Pell revealed how Rome lies about Genesis as 'myth'. 20240725-Prince of Lies.jpg 20240725
Astrobiology: Weak as Water Astrobiologists dream of finding life on Europa based on a watery argument, but what is their real motivation? 20240707-Astrobiology_Weak as Water.jpg 20240707
Boxgrove Bollocks Evolutionists spin a fantastic story from one shin bone and two teeth found near Chichester. 20240601-Boxgrove Bollocks.jpg 20240601
Origins Has Always Mattered Since at least the 19thC, the godless have relentlessly attacked the book of Genesis to destroy not only the idea of Creation, but an historical Jesus. 20240523-Origins Has Always Mattered.jpg 20240523
The Dawkins Decree Atheist Richard Dawkins issues a Papal decree that anything designed must be due to natural selection. 20240522-The Dawkins Decree.jpg 20240522
Once Were Werewolves Evolutionists' imagination goes wild when they see genetic diseases like Werewolf Syndrome; a throwback to their furry past! 20240406-Once Were Werewolves.jpg 20240406
Appearance Can Deceive 'The 'Appearance of Age' doctrine ends up bowing the knee for no reason before the godless 'deep time' delusion. 20240319-Appearance Can Deceive.jpg 20240319
Troubled Anglican Fountains The Anglican Church has reached the insane point of praising atheist Richard Dawkins and rejecting Genesis. 20240310-Troubled Anglican Fountains.jpg 20240310
The Digital Dawkins Richard Dawkins is plain that genetic code is computer code, yet he believes it was written without a programmer! 20240309-The Digital Dawkins.jpg 20240309
Six Signs of TDS Recognise the signs of TDS and seek help from God if you are a sufferer. 20240307-Six Signs of TDS.jpg 20240307
The Religious Spirit of Evolution 'Faith-free' evolutionists who believe only in science say they are the opposite of Christians. Is this true? 20240305-The Religious Spirit of Evolution.jpg 20240305
Trash Talk With Richard Evolutionist Richard Dawkins embarrasses himself claiming most DNA is 'junk'. 20240223-Trash Talk With Richard.jpg 20240223
Finches Founder Faith Astute Christian apologists have long claimed that Darwinism destroys faith in the Scriptures. 20240213-Finches Founder Faith.jpg 20240213
Pawns of Pareidolia Evolutionists are quick to conclude design in some cases, but others are always off limits. 20240203-Pawns of Pareidolia.jpg 20240203
Evolution: Foundation of Fiction Historian Yuval Harari comes to a valid but false conclusion under his fictional evolutionary beliefs. 20240126-Evolution_Foundation of Fiction.jpg 20240126
Acronyms of Conartistry The grand evolutionary story of mud-to-man has a number of scientific-sounding acronyms. 20240115-Acronyms of Conartistry.jpg 20240115
'Science' v the Bible 'Science' has transformed itself into an absolute authority to usurp the Bible, when it is nothing of the kind. 20240113-'Science' v the Bible.jpg 20240113
You Are Scum of the Earth! Tiktaalik roseae founder Neil Shubin lies and tells people they came from pond scum. 20240101-You Are Scum of the Earth.jpg 20240101
Darrow of the Damned America's 'attorney for the damned' Clarence Darrow ends up damned himself by history at the 1925 Scopes 'monkey' trial. 20231219-Darrow of the Damned.jpg 20231219
Evolutionists Lie and Babies Die A 'father of genetics' channelling fraud Ernst Haeckel lies before the U.S. Senate; that people go through a 'fish' stage in the womb. 20231216-Evolutionists Lie and Babies Die.jpg 20231216
The Ghosts of Zachelmie Evolutionists call on ghosts to save their famous Tiktaalik roseae 'transitional' fossil. 20231207-The Ghosts of Zachelmie.jpg 20231207
NOMA Nonsense Evolutionist Stephen J. Gould invented a philosophy to throw a bone to 'religion', but his 'NOMA' is easily exposed. 20231118-NOMA Nonsense.jpg 20231118
The Kinds of Species By attacking the word 'kind' in the Bible, Evolutionists expose their taxonomic hypocrisy. 20231105-The Kinds of Species.jpg 20231105
O.D.T. Original Deep Timer The Original Deep Timer gets blinded by his evolution. 20231010-O.D.T. Original Deep Timer.jpg 20231010
Their History and Ours Both evolution and creation propose an historical bottleneck, but which history is more trustworthy, God or man's? 20230902-Their History and Ours.jpg 20230902
Trotsky Tells Truth Godless evolutionist and communist Leon Trotsky reveals the truth about the only source of objective morality. 20230831-Trotsky Tells Truth.jpg 20230831
Communism on Darwin Communism founders Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels based their idea squarely on Darwin's work. 20230830-Communism on Darwin.jpg 20230830
Evolution's Medusa Magic Evolutionist's ignore Noah's Flood and resort to a secret weapon to explain a spectacular jellyfish find in the Burgess Shale. 20230803-Evolution's Medusa Magic.jpg 20230803
Sea Squirt Stasis In the mind of the evolutionist, a single tunicate fossil find (the entire fossil record of its 'evolution') hasn't changed in half-a-billion years! 20230801-Sea Squirt Stasis.jpg 20230801
Give Me That Deep-Time Religion A deep-time ditty for the evolutionist to sing with gusto! 20230720-Give Me That Deep-Time Religion.jpg 20230720
We Didn't Come From a Rock! Evolutionists get upset when you say they believe life came from a rock, but what do they say to the masses? 20230612-We Didn't Come From a Rock.jpg 20230612
Test Your Luck The mystery religion's latest storytale has gene enhancers engineering the genetic code to make the human brain, which we all owe to…luck! 20230603-Test Your Luck.jpg 20230603
The Graviton God Cosmogonist's like Stephen Hawking are desperate for a God replacement and have set their hearts on gravity. 20230507-The Graviton God.jpg 20230507
Sponge-Brain Monera Madness Germany's Darwin Ernst Haeckel makes what is now an embarrassing claim of the 'simplest missing link' from non-life to life: Monera. 20230507-Sponge-Brain Monera Madness.jpg 20230507
Darwin's Bill of False Goods In 1859, Charles Darwin sold his 'evolution' myth to an unsuspecting public who bought the scam. 20230425-Darwin's Bill of False Goods.jpg 20230425
Evolution Gone Batty Bat 'evolution' is a texbook case of why Darwin's harebrained idea is a big fail. 20230415-Evolution Gone Batty.jpg 20230415
Voice of Mungo Australia's Prime Minister wants to change the constitution and cites evolution's faulty Mungo-man dating stories. 20230410-Voice of Mungo.jpg 20230410
The Dawkins Delusion Atheist apostle Richard Dawkins boasts his religion of science explains everything. 20230330-The Dawkins Delusion.jpg 20230330
Gate to Destruction Promises of evolving to the 'next level' are spiritual poison for any who believe them. 20230325-Gate to Destruction.jpg 20230325
Planet-Size Prediction Failures A prognosticating astronomer grounded in evolution predictably runs into trouble. 20230317-Planet-Size Prediction Failures.jpg 20230317
Bricks & Water While the Sydney Brick Pit shows evidence of Noah's Flood, evolutionists spin a Deep-Time tale. 20230226-Bricks & Water.jpg 20230226
The Hopeless Astronomer A renowned astronomer tries to add some hope to his hope-less worldview. 20230220-The Hopeless Astronomer.jpg 20230220
Magical Thinking Evolutionists are experts in the art of magical thinking to make their religion work. 20230204-Magical Thinking.jpg 20230204
A Pearl in the Hand Evolution has no answer as to how beauty exists, something which sickened Darwin, but should delight Christians. 20230107-A Pearl in the Hand.jpg 20230107
Billion-Year Candles The Temple and Chanukah Menorah's witness to literal 24-hour days as described in Genesis 1-2, not "billions of years." 20221223-Billion-Year Candles.jpg 20221223
Sagan's Gods Evolution evangelist Carl Sagan reveals the gods he worships. 20221214-Sagan's Gods.jpg 20221214
Ignorant of the Past Evolutionist and dino specialist Michael Benton writes a book targeting kids about his ignorance of the past. 20221211-Ignorant of the Past.jpg 20221211
Evolution: No Laughing Matter 1960 was a big year in Hollyweird for attacking Christianity, all thanks to the religion of evolution. 20221203-Evolution: No Laughing Matter.jpg 20221203
Multiverse Mysticism A theoretical physicist exposes the scientifc fraud of 'multiple universes'; the evolutionist's way to escape a creator. 20221129-Multiverse Mysticism.jpg 20221129
Evolutionary Cretinism Despite the rebranding to "Evolutionary Creation", Theistic Evolution is still perfectly incompatible with Christianity. 20221126-Evolutionary Cretinism.jpg 20221126
Ernie's Ape-Men Darwin's German Apostle Ernst Haeckel calls African and Australian people ape-men! 20221112-Ernie's Ape-Men.jpg 20221112
Bridge Over Troubled Water Evolutionists believe the impossible; that there is a bridge between single and multi-cellular life. 20220905-Bridge Over Troubled Water.jpg 20220905
Whale of a Tale The foolishness of whale 'evolution' beggars belief. 20220904-Whale of a Tale.jpg 20220904
In the Beginning Bubbles The ridiculous creation account of the evolutionist begins with...bubbles! 20220901-In the Beginning Bubbles.jpg 20220901
Destination Nowhere A cosmic evolutionist has to equivocate to bypass the harsh reality; her course is charted to nowhere. 20220827-Destination Nowhere.jpg 20220827
Jesus: Young-Earth Creationist Christians must engage in doublethink to believe in the Biblical Jesus, and Deep Time and evolution at the same time. 20220808-Jesus_Young-Earth Creationist.jpg 20220808
Homo Stultus Deluded evolutionist and popular author Yuval Harari thinks man will surpass God. 20220801-Homo Stultus.jpg 20220801
Doctrine of Devils Author Merril F.Unger recognises the demonic driver behind evolution. 20220503-Doctrine of Devils.png 20220503
Jurassic Trailer Trash The latest Jurassic movie franchise trailer is a grand evolutionary and anti-Christ propaganda piece. 20220428-Jurasasic Trailer Trash.png 20220428
Mystery Selection 150+ years on from Darwin and nobody knows what the occult power of 'natural selection' really is. 20220315-Mystery Selection.png 20220315
The Hawk, The Bomber, and an Evolutionist There's no one as willingly blind as an evolutionist when it comes to design. 20220305-The Hawk, The Bomber, and an Evolutionist.png 20220305
The Evolutionist's Brain A peek inside the evolutionist's brain. 20220226-The Evolutionist's Brain.png 20220226
Multiverse Madness With nothing to explain the miraculous fine tuning of the universe, evolutionists turn to the 'multiverse' for salvation. 20220223-Multiverse Madness.png 20220223
Non-Random Richard Richard Dawkins claims evolution is the opposite of a random process when its building blocks are 100% random. 20220222-Non-Random Richard.png 20220222
Hitler's 'Change Over Time' Nazism was a live experiment putting Darwinism into practice. 20220216-Hitler's 'Change Over Time'.png 20220216
Who's Barking Up The Wrong Tree? 'Phylogenetic trees' are touted by evolutionists as the strongest evidence for the religion, but what do when the tree is broken? 20220204-Who's Barking Up The Wrong Tree.png 20220204
Devolving Theists Any Chrsitian trying to join evolution and the Bible will fail based on scripture, science, and sound reason. 20220203-Devolving Theists.png 20220203
One Sick Religion Distinguished Professor of Philosophy Dr Stephen Kershnar at the State University of New York at Fredonia opines on the 'evolutionary advantages' of adult-child sex. 20220203-One Sick Religion.png 20220203
World Religion: Evolution Evolution is suprisingly the largest religion in the world. 20220202-World Religion_Evolution.png 20220202
12 Step Program For Abiogenesists Evolutionists run a mile from the idea of abiogenesis for good reason; it is a complete non-starter! 20211221-12 Step Program For Abiogenesists.png 20211221
Just Live By Faith From Darwin in 1859 to the 'Extended Evolutionary Synthesis' of today, evolution has always been the religion of faith, with adherents unswayed by any new rescue device needed to keep it alive. 20211107-Just Live By Faith.png 20211107
Geneses of Confusion New ideas about Genesis 1-11 based on 'science' are legion, but only one stays faithful to scripture. 20211031-Geneses of Confusion.png 20211031
Cliff Notes On Crazy Craig Theistic evolutionist William Lane Craig writes a biblical, scientific and logical disaster of a book claiming that Adam and Eve were really evolved Homo heidelbergensis! 20211009-Cliff Notes On Crazy Craig.png 20211009
On Vultures' Wings Evolutionists identify truss design in aeroplane wings but close their eyes when looking at bird wings. 20210711-On Vultures' Wings.png 20210711
Evolution & the Bible: No Common Ancestry Evolution and the Holy Bible can have nothing in common. 20210629-Evolution & the Bible_No Common Ancestry.png 20210629
Evolution: The Plastic Religion Evolution can always have it both ways, as seen looking at true and false coral snakes. 20210627-Evolution_The Plastic Religion.png 20210627
Artemis Science Mission: Failure Ahead NASA is spending over $28b to bolster its religious faith in cosmic evolution. 20210614-Artemis Science Mission_Failure Ahead.png 20210614
Shermer: Schizophrenic Sceptic Sceptic Magazine founder Michael Shermer claims there is no absolute truth, also that lawyers [e.g., Charles Lyell] should stay out of science. 20210612-Shermer, Schizophrenic Sceptic.png 20210612
Darwinism: The Descent of Dissent Since the Scopes' trial in 1925, Darwinists have managed to stamp out all opposition to teaching their own religion beliefs in public schools. 20210418-Darwinism,The Descent of Dissent.png 20210418
Evolutionists' Blind Spot Evolutionists are blind to the eye's perfection and also design their own blind spots. 20210303-Evolutionists' Blind Spot.png 20210303
Platypus: An Evolutionist's Headache Evolutionists have to explain this marvellous bird, mammal and reptilian-like creature. 20210103-Platypus_ An Evolutionist's Headache.png 20210103
Time Is On Our Side Evolution needs 'Deep Time', but science disproves it. 20201206-Time Is On Our Side.png 20201206
Darwin's Triple Deception Charles Darwin's god of forces, nature worship and erroneous philosophy. 20200815-Darwin's Triple Deception.jpeg 20200815
Charles Lyell vs II Peter 3.4 The lawyer's big idea which enabled evolution is undone. 20200529-Charles Lyell vs II Peter 3.4.jpg 20200529
The 'Folly' of Evolutionary 'Dating' at Grand Canyon Lava flowing from the top of Grand Canyon is 'dated' older than the rocks it flows on. 20200422-The 'Folly' of Evolutionary 'Dating' at Grand Canyon.jpeg 20200422
Evolution-Images of Deception The evolutionary tree of Homo sapiens falls apart. 20200307-Evolution-Images of Deception.jpg 20200307
Evolution - A Religion to Die For: Paul Kammerer and the Midwife Toad In the evolutionary tradition, Austrian Paul Kammerer uses ink to create false evidence of toad evolution. 20200301-Evolution - A Religion to Die For_Paul Kammerer and the Midwife Toad.jpg 20200301
On the Camel, With Jean Baptiste Lamarck An Evolutionist's folly on the giraffe's neck. 20200224-On the Camel, With Jean Baptiste Lamarck.png 20200224
Darwin Day February 12, the religious holiday of 'Darwin Day'. 20200212-'Darwin Day'.jpg 20200212


Mormonism: Founded by False Prophet Joseph Smith

Title Description File Latest
Joseph Smith's Chaos God Mormonism's prophet Joseph Smith claims matter is eternal, a churning chaos which God merely rearranged into the universe. 20231203-Joseph Smith's Chaos God.jpg 20231203
Ye Shall Be As Gods Jolene Coe believed she was headed for goddesshood, per Joe Smith's teaching that Mormons can become gods. 20230706-Ye Shall Be As Gods.jpg 20230706
Latter-Day Islam The similarities between Mormonism and Islam are uncanny, and both are antichrist. 20230701-Latter-Day Islam.jpg 20230701
Mormonism's Great Plan of Happiness Mormon Apostle Dallin H. Oaks reinforces Joseph Smith's false teaching that Eve's transgression was wise and courageous. 20211017-Mormonism's Great Plan of Happiness.png 20211017
The Omniscient Joseph Smith False prophet Joseph Smith claims he knows more than the whole world put together! 20211011-The Omniscient Joseph Smith.png 20211011
Understanding 'The Principle' Despite later 'revelations', Mormon doctrine and practice of polygamy is as valid today as when false prophet Joseph Smith created it. 20210813-Understanding 'The Principle'.png 20210813
Meet 'Brother Lucifer' Mormons aren't very open about their spirit brother Lucifer. 20210410-Meet 'Brother Lucifer'.jpg 20210410
Native Americans-'Mormon Jews' Genetic analysis exposes Joseph Smith's fraud that Native Americans are modern Jews. 20210328-Native Americans-'Mormon Jews'.jpg 20210328
Mormonism Against Its Wives Despite the modern-day facade, Mormonism is founded on polygamy. 20210326-Mormonism Against Its Wives.png 20210326
Mormonism Against the Book of Mormon Mormon's celebrated Christus idol come sup against Mosiah 13.12 by Joseph Smith. 20210306-Mormonism Against the Book of Mormon.jpg 20210306
Mormon Theology in a Tattoo Mormon President Lorenzo Snow echoes the Mormon lie that man becomes God. 20200628-Mormon Theology in a Tattoo.jpg 20200628
Mormon Christianity-Authentic as a Three-Dollar Bill Oddball Joseph Smith as Caesar issues his own Mormon currency, a Three-Dollar Bill. 20190626-Mormon Christianity-Authentic as a Three-Dollar Bill.jpeg 20190626
Joseph Smith, A Secret Bible Believer After All False prophet Joseph Smith channels Lucifer in the Book of Mormon in II Nephi 29 to justify creating "another testament". 20170901-Joseph Smith, A Secret Bible Believer After All.jpeg 20170901


Jehovah's Witnesses: Proven False Prophets

Title Description File Latest
The Evil Men of Bethel The Watchtower 'Star of Bethel' is from Satan, guiding the evil astrologers on an assassination mission! 20230923-The Evil Men of Bethel.jpg 20230923
Locust King of Witnesses Who is the angel of the bottomless pit in Revelation 9.1? According to the Jehovah's Witnesses it's Jesus! 20230914-Locust King of Witnesses.jpg 20230914
Witness the Trans-Adam The Watch Tower Society teaches Adam was originally male and female, and by inference their Jesus must be as well. 20230913-Witness the Trans-Adam.jpg 20230913
The JW's Thriller-Witness The 'King of Pop' was a fervent JW from his youth till he left in 1987, and despite his activities, was never disfellowshipped by them. 20221215-The JW's Thriller-Witness.jpg 20221215
Tortured Scripture The Jehovah's Witnesses have Jesus crucified with a single nail to a torture stake when their own bible says there were nails. 20221113-Tortured Scripture.jpg 20221113
Michael's Witnesses The Jehovah's Witnesses preach a false Jesus, who they claim is the archangel Michael. 20220827-Michael's Witnesses.jpg 20220827
Reasoning Against Scripture The Watchtower Society exalts so-called 'facts' of Deep Time above the scriptures. 20220821-Reasoning Against Scripture.jpg 20220821
Destroying the JWs Temple The whole Watch Tower edifice rests on Charles Russell's false AD 1914 date of Christ's return, which got the destruction of Solomon's Temple wrong. 20220327-Destroying the JWs Temple.png 20220327
Jehovah's Witnesses: Forever Young The only real Jehovah's Witnesses, i.e., the 144,000, have been defying death for decades! 20210819-Jehovah's Witnesses_Forever Young.png 20210819
Deep Time Witnesses The Watchtower try and fit millions of years into Genesis 1 and 2 and end up in a big mess. 20210703-Deep Time Witnesses.png 20210703
'Sacred' Additions Watchtower false prophets add "יהוה" into their 1950-1960 New World Translation NT 237 times based on no manuscript evidence. 20210614-'Sacred' Additions.png 20210614
Torture Stake Toppled Three reasons why the Watchtower's torture-stake version of Jesus' death is a lie. 20210613-Torture Stake Toppled.png 20210613
'Jehovah' Lives Here? According to Charles Taze Russell and Judge Rutherford, 'Jehovah' (and Jesus) live on Alcyone in the Pleiades system. 20210308-'Jehovah' Lives Here.png 20210308
Win Like a Witness! An easy multiple choice test shows up a litany of false Watchtower prophecies. 20201011-Win Like a Witness.png 20201011
God's 'Active Force' Speaks! Exposing the Watchtower's false teaching the Holy Ghost doesn't speak and isn't God. 20200826-God's 'Active Force' Speaks.png 20200826


Freemasonry: Religion of Phallus Worship

Title Description File Latest
FDR: Silver Communism In 1934, 32o Mason and Shriner Franklin D. Roosevelt bought up silver, which had the 'unintended' consequence of delivering China into the hands of Mao's Communists. 20250111-FDR_Silver Communism.jpg 20250111
Masonic Muslims A lesser-known order of Masons openly swear Allah is their god! 20241216-Masonic Muslims.jpg 20241216
Masonry Is Not a Religion The Free Masons staunchly deny Freemasonry is a religion, but are betrayed by their own beliefs. 20240118-Masonry Is Not a Religion.jpg 20240118
Freemason Fluoridator Australian PR expert and Freemason Peter Lazar was the force behind poisoning the people's drinking water with a neurotoxin. 20231225-Freemason Fluoridator.jpg 20231225
Lodge or Lord Christians in Masonry's lodges are of three kinds, and only one makes the right choice. 20230821-Lodge or Lord.jpg 20230821
Degrees of Destruction Freemasonry bestows the most prideful and outrageous titles upon its followers while feeding them a false gospel of good works. 20221105-Degrees of Destruction.jpg 20221105
Hiram Abiff: Another Christ In Masonic writings and the Master Mason degree, Hiram Abiff is shewn to be another Christ which all masons seek to imitate. 20210625-Hiram Abiff_Another Christ.png 20210625
Dwight L. Moody: Right Thinking on Freemasonry Evangelist Dwight L. Moody imparts a revelation on Christians joining Freemasonry and other secretive societies. 20210522-Dwight L. Moody-Right Thinking on Freemasonry.png 20210523
Crowning Abomination Sydney's tallest skyscraper Crown Sydney is an 890ft Masonic phallus hidden in plain sight. 20210203-Crowning Abomination.png 20210213


Hinduism: Ancient Nonsense

Title Description File Latest
Not Coming Back! Most eastern religions believe in soul transmigration, but Hare Krishna founder A.C. Bhaktivedanta fails in a book trying to prove it. 20211025-Not Coming Back!.png 20211025


Buddhism: The Religion of Ex-Hindu Siddatha Gotama

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The Old-Sick-Dead-Monk After half a lifetime living a false gospel, the Buddha slips into hell. 20220526-The Old-Sick-Dead-Monk 20220526
From Buddha to Born Again Ex-Buddhist nun Esther Baker recounts her journey into the darkness of Buddhism in search for ultimate truth, which led her out into the glorious light of Jesus Christ. 20220522-From Buddha to Born Again.jpg 20220522


Shintoism: Japan's Native Religion of the Sun Goddess

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Peace at Sword Point Japan's Edo Period is said to be a time of 'peace', but its cause was not Shintoism, rather gun grabbing under military dictatorship. 20240725-Peace at Sword Point.jpg 20240725
Shinto Fables Where Japan's line of emperors hits a dead end at Jimmu, Jesus Christ is traced all the way back to the first man Adam, and God. 20220515-Shinto Fables.jpg 20220515
Religion of the Empire WWII provides a test of how Japan's ancient religion would work on a global scale. 20220421-Religion of the Empire.png 20220421



Title Description File Latest
Resisting the Borg Mystic Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772) claims to have spoken with angels, and received some new messages about the afterlife. 20250111-Resisting the Borg.jpg 20250111
Immunising Building 7 Right after the 9/11 false flag, George Bush Jr. had vaccine neurotoxin part makers like Ely Lilly protected in law under the guise of ‘Homeland Security’. 20241219-Immunising Building 7.jpg 20241219
Normal: Psychiatry's Noumena The whole godless edifice of psychiatry rests on its unknowable definition of 'normality'. 20241214-Normal_Psychiatry's Noumena.jpg 20241214
The Original Narcissist Lucifer is the first narcissist, defining this destructive behaviour which is growing evermore common in society. 20241204-The Original Narcissist.jpg 20241204
Father of Gaslighting In Genesis 3, the serpent gives a masterclass on gaslighting as he manipulates Eve into committing suicide. 20241019-Father of Gaslighting.jpg 20241019
Tales of the Towers Which of these towers subjected to fires collapsed at free fall speed? 20240623-Tales of the Towers.jpg 20240623
Drug Pushers' SSRI S.O.S Pharma drug reps are trying to salvage the reputation of SSRIs as a scientific treatment for 'depression'. 20240608-Drug Pushers' SSRI SOS.jpg 20240608
El Falso Cristo Japanese false prophet Ryuho Okawa 'El Cantare' claims he is God, and is on a mission to unite all religions. 20240331-El Falso Cristo.jpg 20240331
Animism: Abstain! Borneo missionaries discover people there trapped in the devilish doctrine of forbidding healthy foods. 20240329-Animism_Abstain.jpg 20240329
Satan's Domination Rights The International Monetary Fund must become a true central bank of central banks to usher in a global beast currency. 20240314-Satan's Domination Rights.jpg 20240314
Psychoanalysis: Made in Hell Father of psychoanalysis Carl Jung got his 'superior knowledge' from a demon guide he called 'Philemon', lifted from the Bible! 20240107-Psychoanalysis-Made in Hell.jpg 20240107
Greenman's Gaia Message King Charles III gives a Christmas Day speech praising the earth and teaching pantheism. 20231226-Greenman's Gaia Message.jpg 20231226
Rome: Witchcraft In Plain Sight Since legalisation, witchcraft has exploded across the globe, but it has always been practised under a cloak of Christianity. 20231224-Rome, Witchcraft In Plain Sight.jpg 20231224
Deck the Halls With Mammon The Christmas season is one grand economic enterprise, and echoes Rome's ancient Saturnalia festival. 20231223-Deck the Halls With Mammon.jpg 20231223
Reasoning Out the Season A survey of history shows up 'Christmas' as just a regular day, dressed up by tradition of man into an unscriptural 'holy' day. 20231217-Reasoning Out the Season.jpg 20231217
$100 of Evil in Plain Sight The Reserve Bank of Australia issues an occult $100 bill two weeks before the 2020 plandemic. 20231210-$100 of Evil in Plain Sight.pdf 20231210
Soul Shocked Electroshock 'therapy' is nonscientific, occult and ungodly. 20231005-Soul Shocked.jpg 20231005
Building a Tall S7ory The claim World Trade Center Building 7 collapsed on 9/11/01 at free-fall speed due to office fires can only ever be a tall story. 20230902-Building a Tall S7ory.jpg 20230902
Psychos & Their Psychotics So-called 'anti-depressants' (what the Bible calls “sorceries”) are a common factor in mass murders by psychos. 20230713-Psychos & Their Psychotics.jpg 20230713
The Real Gender War The so-called 'Gender War' is really a continuation of man's rebellion against God which began in Eden. 20230622-The Real Gender War.jpg 20230622
They Would Never Do That! The U.S. army sprayed millions of its people with biological warfare agents; now the stakes are raised with overt geoengineering. 20230422-They Would Never Do That.jpg 20230422
Congo's Mujakazi Spirit A false prophetess in the Republic of Congo (a 'Mujakazi') deceives locals in claiming to be Jesus Christ. 20230119-Congo's Mujakazi Spirit.jpg 20230119
Irving the Necromancer Assyriologist Irving Finkel has concluded Noah's Flood is a myth, so God has turned him over to abomination. 20221222-Irving the Necromancer.jpg 20221222
The Afterlife Angel Near death experiencers are getting unreliable information about the afterlife from someone, or something. 20221017-The Afterlife Angel.jpg 20221017
Serotonin Swindle The psychiatry industry's myth of a 'serotonin imbalance' is exposed. 20220917-Serotonin Swindle.jpg 20220917
Choose Your Own God Alcoholics Anonymous tries to appear agnostic, but is preaching a false gospel on behalf of a nameless god. 20220907-Choose Your Own God.jpg 20220907
High-Price Healing There is no free lunch in the realm of spiritual 'healing' outside of God. 20220903-High-Price Healing.jpg 20220903
White Witch Delusion While all witches are deceived, 'white' ones are moreso, that they only ever do magick 'for good'. 20220627-White Witch Delusion.jpg 20220627
Witch Interpretation Witchraft is on the rise in modern times, and it wants to retranslate Exodus 22.18 in the Bible. 20220626-Witch Interpretation.jpg 20220626
Case Dismissed Joe Fisher in The Case for Reincarnation fails to prove this deadly and soul-destroying deception. 20220530-Case Dismissed.png 20220530
Psychiatry's Rush of Blood "Father of American Psychiatry" Benjamin Rush truly set the standard for this quackery, which has gone from bad to worse over the last 200 years. 20220527-Psychiatry's Rush of Blood.jpg 20220527
Reign of Terror Psychiatry usurps power from God to take away and grant freedom, and has become an accessory to murder. 20220523-Reign of Terror.png 20220523
Baal's Bible Psychiatry's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is a scientific fraud, bringing misery to millions. 20220523-Baal's Bible.png 20220523
Retreat to Ruin Starting out with love and compassion in the 18thC, 'care' for the mentally 'ill' quickly fell to materialism, becoming an infernal misery machine. 20220521-Retreat to Ruin.png 20220521
Roman Quantitative Easing The Federal Reserve has debased the U.S. dollar via occult means, an ancient process which ends in economic destruction. 20220429-Roman Quantitative Easing.png 20220429
Gospel of Medical Misery Psychiatrists and Pharma construct a devilish money-machine on lies, blinding people to the only hope found in God. 20220426-Gospel of Medical Misery.png 20220426
A False Prophet Speaks Devout Roman Catholic and false prophetess Jeane Dixon 'forsees' the Book of Revelation in 1958. 20220420-A False Prophet Speaks.png 20220420
What About Nostradamus? 'Nostradamus' is a common excuse used by sinners to set real prophecy in the Bible at naught. 20220420-What About Nostradamus.png 20220420
The Gadarene Connection Perverted Emperor Tiberius who reigned during the ministry of Jesus had a notable connection to the Gadarenes. 20220418-The Gadarene Connection.png 20220418
Transmania A craze sweeping the West in these Last Days, transgenderism is on a collision course with absolute truth. 20220412-Transmania.png 20220412
Near Death Beware Near Death Exeperiences are very real, but often very satanic. 20220329-Near Death Beware.png 20220329
7 Qs on Building 7 World Trade Center Building 7; the key to unlock the satanic 9/11 operation. 20220310-7 Qs on Building 7.png 20220310
Psychology of Mammon The father of psychology makes a 'Freudian slip'. 20220201-Psychology of Mammon.png 20220201
Santa Equals Satan The charming old man in a red suit is just a clever disguise for Lucifer to imitate the most High. 20211221-Santa Equals Satans.png 20211221
The United Nimrods The evil United Nations is modern man's attempt to reconstruct the Tower of Babel and defy God. 20211027-The United Nimrods.png 20211017
Psychology's House of Cards Psychologist Robyn M. Dawes blows the lid on the science-falsely-so-called "psychology". 20211015-Psychology's House of Cards.png 20211015
God of Forces The God of the Bible even speaks to those turned aside to fables who are heading for the "dark side" in hell. 20211010-God of Forces.png 20211010
The NKJV,Witchcraft,666, and Transplants Some odd things come together in the occult. 20200807-The NKJV,Witchcraft,666, and Transplants.png 20200807
Contact Tracing Alien visitations for outer space or something more sinister? 20200624-Contact Tracing.jpeg 20200624
Mind Experts Speak Out Psychologists call out their own fraudulent religion of psychology for what it is. 20200614-Mind Experts Speak Out.jpeg 20200614
2012 London Olympics COVID-19 Plandemic Screenshot sequence of the elite flaunting their COVID-19 plandemic hand 'in plain sight' way back at the 2012 London Olympics occult Opening Ceremony. 20200505-2012 London Olympics COVID-19 Plandemic.jpeg 20200505
Dr Lawrence LeShan-Psychotherapy's Hoax Psychologist Dr Lawrence LeShan indites his own 'profession' as useless. 20200222-Dr Lawrence LeShan-Psychotherapy's Hoax.jpg 20200222


Socialism: Religion of Theft Where Government Is God

Title Description File Latest
Marx the Drunken Slob Karl Marx is described to have lived exactly like every Communist country has 'functioned'. 20241226-Marx the Drunken Slob.jpg 20241226
Vote 1 'Great Leader' or Die! Just like dictators in the Bible, North Korea's socialist Juche devil demands worship or death. 20241206-Vote 1 'Great Leader' or Die.jpg 20241206
Herschel's Hypocrite Son of Herschel HaLevi, Karl Marx was a living contradiction and his philosophy an historical failure. 20230906-Herschel's Hypocrite.jpg 20230906
China's Arm of Flesh The Chinese would trust in themselves and false gods above the true God. 20221009-China's Arm of Flesh.jpg 20221009
The Socialist's Brain An insight into how the standard socialist/communist thinks. 20220928-The Socialist's Brain.jpg 20220928
New Australian Communist Sect A new 2019 communist sect in Australia based on the same old ideology of theft but now with an environmentalism face. 20200815-Australian Communist Party-Exodus 20.15.jpg 20200815



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Diktator Dan, Prince of Sodom Victorian Premier Dan Andrews embraces Sodom with his 'anti-conversion' law. 20210205-Diktator Dan, Prince of Sodom.png 20210105


Abortion: Murder of Innocents

Title Description File Latest
Gosnell vs God 'Dr' Kermit Gosnell killed over 40,000 children in his 'house of horrors', guilty of so much blood even a pro-abortion judge and jury were forced to convict him. 20250118-Gosnell vs God.jpg 20250118
Drawing the Life Life Biology is clear when a human life begins; at conception when 100% of the information to build a new person is created. 20240408-Drawing the Life Line.jpg 20240408
Crossing the Line Pregnant women who opt for murder may be destroying the futures of all their unborn children. 20240316-Crossing the Line.jpg 20240316
Easter: Abortion Goddess NZ abortion company Istar Ltd named itself after the spring fertility goddess known from Europe as “Easter”. 20240227-Easter_Abortion Goddess.jpg 20240227
The M & M Murders Chemical abortion is now the majority of baby killings inside of the womb, and as easy as an online order from your smartphone. 20240225-The M & M Murders.jpg 20240225
Red-Letter Reprobate MSNBC host and reprobate Joe Scarborough demonstrates his foolishness over 'red letters' in the Bible. 20220911-Red-Letter Reprobate.jpg 20220911
Who Owns My While God owns all as Creator, what things has He granted to the unborn? 20220507-Who Owns My.png 20220507
Baby Killers Arguing Badly Ignoring medical science and what's left of their conscience, abortionists rely on the same old bad arguments. 20211113-Baby Killers Arguing Badly.png 202111113
Did You Know It Was Murder? Pill pushers are hiding a dirty little secret from women. 20210826-Did You Know It Was Murder.png 20210826
A Child's Most Dangerous Place Now more than ever the womb is the most dangerous place on earth for a child. 20210105-A Child's Most Dangerous Place.png 20210105
Safe, Legal, and Rare The little lie to make way for the big evil. 20200129-Abortion (Safe, Legal, and Rare).png 20200129
Murder Is Healthcare, or Lucifer Rising in NSW Luciferian New South Wales parliamentarians celebrate the murder of children. 20190809-Murder Is Healthcare, or Lucifer Rising in NSW.jpg 20190809
RANZCOG,Abortion,and Witchcraft The witches at the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists fight for their right to child sacrifice. 20190801-RANZCOG,Abortion,and Witchcraft.jpeg 20190801
The Psychology of Death Psychology is in big demand next door to abortion clinics as murdering mothers look to 'science' to sooth their guilty consciences. 20180715-The Psychology of Death.jpg 20180714


Technocracy: The Boot Crushing Your Face Forever

Title Description File Latest
The Nature of the Beast Organisations like the World Economic Forum understand well the true nature of governments and their desire for total surveillance. 20231201-The Nature of the Beast.jpg 20231202
Digital Economy Slavery 2030 The Australian Government reveals ahead of time its plan for total electronic slavery by 2030. 20220405-Digital Economy Slavery 2030.png 20220405
Central Beast Digital Currency Under IMF guidance, central banks are moving quickly towards Central Bank Digital Currencies, part of the one-world beast financial system prophesied in Revelation 13.17. 20220210-Central Beast Digital Currency.png 20220210
Asgardia-The Foolish Nation A nation of fools looking to the stars for salvation aboard a cosmic "Noah's Ark". 20200108-Asgardia_The Foolish Nation.png 20200108
Technocracy and the Beast This failed antichrist philosophy of the 1930s has resurrected itself in the 21stC promising utopia. 20190814-Technocracy and the Beast.jpg 20190814


Scientology: L. Ron Hubbard's Science Fiction Religion

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The Xenulub Incident Dianetics and evolution fit hand in glove; both having their own fanciful creation stories. 20230303-The Xenulub Incident.jpg 20230303
Scientology, a Bridge to Hell Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard reveals two 'truths' of the religion that damns souls. 20200903-Scientology, a Bridge to Hell.jpg 20200903



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The Placebo Ploy Big Food and Big Pharma play the same predictable game to fool captured regulators and the ignorant public. 20250221-The Placebo Ploy.jpg 20250221
AJW: Malicious Barbs The Medical Industrial Complex gets the UK to destroy gastroenterologist Dr Andrew J. Wakefield for daring to touch their anointed MMR shots. 20240922-AJW_Malicious Barbs.jpg 20240922
Under an Influenza Despite over a century of dogma, the scientific evidence 'influenza' is 'caught' is built on sand. 20240711-Under an Influenza.jpg 20240711
Danger: Doctor Ahead The West has deified doctors as priests in a new secular religion, but the facts show they are deadly. 20240303-Danger_Doctor Ahead.jpg 20240303
Dreaming of Sleep Far from a necessary evil, sleep is the key of good health, and there aren't any shortcuts to getting enough. 20240102-Dreaming of Sleep.jpg 20240102
Ritalin Me This Profits from the stimulant industry are making 'doctors' mad by destroying their patients with drugs. 20231207-Ritalin Me This.jpg 20231207
Quaxxines A to Z Twenty-six reasons why vaccines are really quaxxines; causing disease, misery, and death. 20231123-Quaxxines A to Z.jpg 20231123
Faustian Fumes The alarming trend of 'vaping' is neither safe nor helpful to stop smoking, but a Faustian pact trading away health. 20230930-Faustian Fumes.jpg 20230930
NIH Changes ASD to CDD for VSD The NIH calls autism by a new acronym while ignoring growing childhood vaccine injury. 20230903-NIH Changes ASD to CDD for VSD.jpg 20230903
The Beast That Puts to Sleep The most reactive element in the universe is dangerous whatever the mode of ingestion. 20230828-The Beast That Puts to Sleep.jpg 20230828
There's No Money In Vaxxines! Exposing the lie trying to hide Big Pharma's “unavoidably unsafe” cash cow. 20230728-There's No Money In Vaxxines.jpg 20230728
The Scam, Lies, & ABS Statistics Australian Government number crunchers have little concern for truth re: the COVID 'pandemic' and reported 'vaccine' deaths. 20230407-The Scam, Lies, & ABS Statistics.jpg 20230407
The King of Herbs Since antiquity, the heal-all of garlick which even the Hebrews lusted after has been used as medicine, for good reason. 20230219-The King of Herbs.jpg 20230219
The U.S. on Alcohol The spirit of alcohol extracts a heavy toll from everyone. 20221227-The U.S. on Alcohol.jpg 20221227
One mRNA Too Many Virologist Dr Sucharit Bhakdi gives a dire warning on single every mRNA shot. 20221215-One mRNA Too Many.jpg 20221215
Moses Macula At 120, Moses still had sharp vision, unlike 200M today with Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Where allopathic medicine fails, orthomolecular has some ideas. 20221120-Moses Macula.jpg 20221120
Drinking-Away Baby's Brain Functional dentist Mark Burhenne admits dentists are indoctrinated and fluoride destroys your baby's brain. 20221104-Drinking-Away Baby's Brain.jpg 20221104
Blasted By A King! King James I/VI takes aim at the harmful and filthy practice of smoking in his realm. 20221008-Blasted By A King.jpg 20221008
Drugs Depression Death Whatever his choice, the drug addict ends in depression and death. 20220901-Drugs Depression Death.jpg 20220901
WHO's Best Investment? Global Program for Vaccines and Immunizations Director Dr Lee-Jong wook [1945-2006] let the cat out of the bag as to what really drives the 'vaccine' industry. 20220611-WHO's Best Investment.jpg 20220611
Yuri G on 5G Russian radiobiology authority Prof. Yuri G. Grigoriev [1925-2021] warns a world blindly rolling out 5G+ radiowave technologies. 20220410-Yuri G on 5G.png 20220410
Dust From Heaven Geoengineering is an evil brought onto a wicked world by God via psychopaths; the only hope for healing is repentance and believing the gospel. 20220119-Dust From Heaven.png 20220119
The COVID Cult COVID is a new religious 'health' cult with billions of adherents, as defined by standard criteria. 20211023-The COVID Cult.png 20211023
Acute Flaccid Paralysis, or, the Disease Formerly Known as Polio On the vaccine swindle of swapping 'Acute Flaccid' Paralysis' cases for polio cases. 20200623-Acute Flaccid Paralysis, or, the Disease Formerly Known as Polio.jpg 20200623
GMOs: Death in the Pot Eating death for dinner with genetically modified organisms of all sorts. 20200523-GMOS-Death in the Pot (all GRAS).jpg 20200523
Big Tobacco Liars Say 'Nicotine Is Not Addictive' Big Tobacco CEOs lying under oath in unison in 1994. 20200523-Big Tobacco Liars Say 'Nicotine Is Not Addictive'.jpeg 20200523
Vaccination and Temporal Dissonance The folly of doctor's ignoring vaccine injuries. 20200311-Vaccination and Temporal Dissonance.png 20200311
Jonathan Edwards-Vaccines in the Hands of a Medicine Man Revivalist 18thC preacher Jonathan Edwards gets slain by a smallpox vaccine at age 55. 20200310-Jonathan Edwards-Vaccines in the Hands of a Medicine Man.jpg 20200310
Losing With Lotto Gambling throws away hard-earned money and is for fools. 20200307-Losing With Lotto.png 20200307
The Polio Peril The myth of the polio vaccine saviour and the 'morality' of vaccine pushers. 20190906-The Polio Peril.png 20190906
Alcoholism: Hard Truths Hard truths from alcoholics prove the Bible right on this liquid of death. 20190810-Alcoholism-Hard Truths.jpeg 20190810
Heads Is Coincidence, Tails You're Dead Adverse Events Following 'Immunisation' include your baby's death. 20190424-Heads Is Coincidence, Tails You're Dead.jpg 20190424
Booze Destroys Lives The deadliest government-approved drug in history destroying lives. 20190305-Booze Destroys Lives.jpg 20190305
Dr Andrew Zimmerman-Vaccines Cause ASD Expert U.S. Government witness Dr Andrew Zimmerman states vaccines cause autism. 20190107-Dr Andrew Zimmerman-Vaccines Cause ASD.jpeg 20190107
Vatican-Approved Baby Cells Rome employs the Jesuit maxim of "the ends justify the means" to approve using murdered baby cells in vaccines. 20180819-Vatican-Approved Baby Cells.jpeg 20180819
Satan's Statins The 'wonder drug' is not so wonderful after all. 20180204-Satan's Statins.jpg 20180204

"Wherefore is there a price in the hand of a fool to get wisdom, seeing he hath no heart to it?"
Proverbs 17.16